波兰Tantal系列步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
“缟玛瑙”wz.89基本上就是缩短的“钽” wz.88,使用207mm短枪管、取消刺刀座和两脚架,缩短导气管和护木。 奇怪的是,wz.89保留了发射枪榴弹的能力,用枪管这么短的短突击步枪来发射枪榴弹也算是世界唯一了。
AK-47.net: Polish wz.89 Onyks
It is a gas operated, selective-fire carbine. The receiver is made of sheet metal stampings and as the one in its bigger brother houses a new trigger mechanism with separated safety and selector lever.
FB Tantal - Wikipedia
These early prototypes, initially designated wz. 1981, were modeled on the Soviet 7.62mm AKM assault rifle. [1] As the weapon was intended to be able to launch rifle grenades, a newly designed, multi-functional muzzle device and a sturdier folding shoulder stock were used (the wire stock is a copy of the wire stock used on the East German MPi ...
FB Onyks - Wikipedia
The 5.45 mm subkarabinek wz. 1989 Onyks (polish for: sub carbine wz. 1989 Onyx) is a lightweight Polish short variant of the 5.45 mm wz. 1988 Tantal assault rifle, also based on the AKS-74U. Work on the weapon began in 1989 at the Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy state research institute in the city of Radom.
WZ. 89 'Onyx / Onyks' - production | AK Rifles
2012年10月22日 · Second rifle pictured has early Mini-Beryl handguard, late style M-B vented upper, M-B pistol grip, M-B flash hider, M-B rear sight base and Picatinny rail, AK-47 smooth top cover (all original rifles I saw had ribbed top covers).
Kbk wz.89 (Onyx) : Photos, History, Specification
wz/89 is essentially the carbine version of the longer wz/88 assault rifle, the former designed to serve with those battlefield units that can respect its portability - namely security units, vehicle crews, paratroopers and special forces.
Onyks WZ.89 and Mini Beryl Carbines Detailed pictures of... - AK …
2013年11月7日 · Love this little gun. I'd be very interested to see some pictures of the other variations, especially the H&K style sights. Here are the pictures of my 1995 wz.89. http://www.theakforum.net/forums/27-polish/155891-wz-89-onyks-pictures.html
Kbk wz.89 (Onyx) Assault Carbine / Submachine Gun (SMG)
2016年7月22日 · The wz/ 89 was essentially a carbine form of the longer wz/ 88 assault rifle, the former intended to serve with those battlefield units that could respect its portability - namely security units, vehicle crews, paratroopers and special forces elements.
Tantal系列步枪 - 百度百科
wz.80不同于普通的AKMS,AK枪族的典型特征之一是位于机匣右侧的大型保险/快慢机柄,有3个装定位置,分别为保险、连发、单发。 而wz.80的机匣右侧只是一个保险柄,有2个装定位置:上为保险(Z),下为发射(O)。
Broń XX wieku - Subkarabinek wz. 89/90/91 "Onyks"
Polski subkarabinek na nabój pośredni 5,45 x 39 mm (egzemplarze końcowej produkcji egzemplarze dostosowano do naboju 5,56 x 45 mm i oznaczono jako wz. 90 / wz. 91) , opracowany w latach 1989 - 1990 i produkowany w latach 1991-1995. Tło historyczne: