wz112-2是楼主很喜欢的一辆重坦,对比252而言,wz-112-2更加适合进攻带节奏。 但与此同时,它也有相当的卡点卖侧能力,综合防御性能相当优秀,是非常典型和标准的突击型重坦。
WZ-112-2 - GuidesBlitz
WZ-112-2 is Soviet tank turned Chinese. This tank is basically an IS-3 with a flat upper plate, it has good armour, poor mobility, and the worst 122mm gun among tier 8 heavies. Its quite an all-rounder among its class.
WZ-112-2 — Tier VIII Chinese heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 215, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.79, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
WZ-112-2 - Tier VIII Chinese Heavy - BlitzKit
WZ-112-2 armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 1,992 DPM, 400hp alpha, 215mm penetration, 42kph top speed, 1,800hp health.
112 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The 112 is a Chinese tier 8 premium heavy tank. The development of the 112 tank started in 1962. The project was to feature parts and components of medium and heavy tanks. Existed only in blueprints. The 113 tank was a further development of the 112. The 112 can be considered a tier 8 version of the 113. They both have the same frontal armor ...
【WOTB】共和国铁骑 WZ-112-2的单车解析 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
总结: wz-112-2这个车对下碾压力强,而且很少匹配到九级,装甲硬,可以说唯一的缺点就是那杆主炮,她的打法也很简单:七级房藏首下,杀穿重坦线,八级房同理,但是要注意高穿车,九级房(我没进过)应该只能卖头,或者去中坦线.
WoT Blitz WZ-112-2 数据(5.7版本) - 哔哩哔哩
wz-112-2 (krt-1) 中(苏)系viii级重型坦克. 金币车. 生命值:1450. 车体装甲(毫米): 前 140. 侧 100. 后 60. 炮塔装甲(毫米): 前 195. 侧 120. 后 100. 重量(吨):47.76. 引擎动力(马力):580.0. 推重比(马力/吨):12.14. 各地形推重比(马力/吨): 硬地面 12.14. 中 ...
WZ-112-2 WOT Blitz Chinese Tier 8 Heavy Tank Review / Guide ... - YouTube
The WZ-112-2 is an amazingly strong tank because of the slanted front sans pike nose. So keep that lower plate hidden, angle the tank and bounce a lot of sho...
WZ-112-2值不值得买?我来告诉你 - 百度贴吧
WZ-112-2值不..结论是值得买。 裸车12500的价格是相当超值。 强烈推荐如果你是颜控建议直接上15000完全体包。 推荐如果你有钱并且没有WZ111可以买17000二合一包。 特殊需求的可以买。 下面我分析一下112-2值在.
天朝八级神器-WZ-112-2测评 &购买建议 坦克世界闪电战 【淡 …
这台车不像IS-2Sh那么另类,自然门槛也不会很高,只是价格还是有点偏高,手头宽裕的玩家可以考虑入手。我没有玩过闪电战的WZ-111,但实战中WZ-111的强度确实不如二棍,所以不作推荐。但必须澄清:WZ-111并不是一台非常颓废的车(像现在的IS-6那样),二棍是 ...
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