The issue of revenue arising from WZ305`s HE-VT ammunition
2024年7月20日 · I don’t know Chinese, but you get the full reward. It’s just broken down into two items “Fatal Damage” - 80% of the reward and the item you show in the screenshot - the rewards for the final shootdown - the rest as 20%
Will grinding China make me regret it? - War Thunder
2024年8月18日 · Its an enjoyable nation, I’ve pretty much grinded the whole tree. An abundance of Chinese tanks are similar to soviets which will be a recurring theme in the tree but fun otherwise. 6.3-6.7 fun late war tanks, 8.0-9.0 is peak, 10.0+ exceptional vehicles, the higher u advance the more u notice attributes from Western tanks.
PGZ09 in ~9.0 Cold War bracket, and more about CAS&Heli
2025年1月16日 · Like, IRST, Stealth, AHEAD vs CAS topped with Alphas? These planes, going sub-sonic and relying on conventional bombs and rockets won’t survive a attack even with RB controls and no visual block. But Heli can stay far away and missile ground, with a lot higher chance surviving from a usual Gepard… I’m not really sure but… 37-2 and shilka should be inaccurate enough for CAS of the type ...
Is chinese tech tree good enough to grind? - War Thunder
2024年3月24日 · Vehicles that I personally enjoyed quite a bit include the ZTZ-88, PTL-02, ZTL-11, QN506 (my favorite tank in the game so far and a must-get event vehicle in my eyes), ZTZ-96, MBT-2000 (incredible 10.7 vehicle), PGZ-04A (really good anti-air once you get used to it), PGZ-09 (superior Gepard at the same BR, can kill tanks and planes very easily), WZ305 (most fun 8.0 vehicle in the game), PTZ-89 ...
New ZSU can't be 7.3, needs to go 7.7 - War Thunder
2024年9月16日 · WZ305: 8.0 - Proxy Shells, and 151 Max Pen (@10m) when using AP Shells. vs. ZSU-23-4M2: 7.3 - No AA Shell, No Radar, 51 Max Pen (@10m), and isn’t urgently needed as a proper AA. 4k Ammo. Considering how little armour light vehicles have. ZSU has 6.5x the bullets a Falcon has and is more likely to kill things at range (Volume of Fire matters).
Veak 40 ammo change - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official …
2024年4月19日 · No it isn’t, even witbout the HE-VT it is pretty good at killing helicopters and decent at killing planes. The SAPHE can overpressure light vehicles and some heavier ones with the right shot placement, and the HE-VT makes a 10-20 round burst sufficient to …
Update - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年11月15日 · Aircraft Super Etendard — night vision added to the ATLIS II targeting pod. (Report) Mirage 2000D-R1 — a bug where installing the NVD modification caused thermal vision in the CLDP targeting pod to be lost has been fixed. (Report) Mi-8TB (Germany), Mi-8TV (USSR) — the camera position in the cockpit has been adjusted. Sea Hawk Mk.100 — a bug where in some cases, the AP Mk II rocket on ...
How does the chinese ground tech tree compare to the others?
2025年1月13日 · Such like the well talked WZ305, undoubtedly a best ZSU-57-2 with infinitely better anti-air capabilities in a comfortable BR at the moment, it got some vehicles that you can bring along. On top tier, it does use the same design you’ll find in most Soviet MBTs, but with a plus: Better ERA in some vehicles and undoubtedly better mobility, in ...
(Serious Question) Does anyone know why SPAA gaps aren't …
2024年8月23日 · Assuming that Gszabi’s leak is correct (a big if), it seems that Germany, Italy, and Russia are getting the Osa as a new top tier SPAA, with Russia also getting another high-mid tier SPAA in the form of the ZSU-23-4M2.
Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)
2024年5月9日 · Industrial designation: WZ305; Old-style Type designation: Type 80; Post-1987 PLA 3-letter nomenclature system designation: PGZ80; This is why in my datamine posts you saw / will see it as PGZ80, as I prefer the 3-letter system whenever possible. Better example from WT: Industrial designation: WZ120A; Old-style Type designation: Type 59A