$SU(2)$ and $SO(3)$ WZW models - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年8月26日 · The G G -WZW model depends not only on the group G G, but also on a number k k called the level. The symmetry algebra is an affine Lie algebra, and it also depends on k k. Both SU(2) S U (2) and SO(3) S O (3) have the …
Relation between WZW model and gauge transformation
2022年11月30日 · Is there a way to make this contrast/comparison between symmetry in WZW model to gauge symmetry more precise? Is it because some special properties of gauge transformations in 2d?
The Chern-Simons/WZW correspondence - Physics Stack Exchange
There are several different relations between Chern-Simons/WZW models, and there are several way to show these. A nice paper doing this in a concrete way is . The Chern-Simons theory on a compact spatial manifold give rise to a finite dimensional Hilbert space (only global degrees of freedom) which turns out to be isomorphic to the space of conformal blocks of a WZW model (which is also finite ...
2d CFT and WZW model - Physics Stack Exchange
2021年9月14日 · Is it then possible to make any 2d CFT into a WZW model by designing a Verma module which is a representation of the Kac-Moody algebra for the given CFT (For example this is done for free bosons in Section 15.6 of the Yellow book) ? [1] Introduction to Conformal Field Theory: With Applications to String Theory by Plauschinn and Ralph Blumenhagen
Effects of Topological Terms: Hopf, $\Theta$, Chern-Simons, …
2017年10月16日 · What are the effects and the differences of Topological Terms? For example, I had known and heard several of them are called Topological, (1) Hopf term, (2) $\\Theta$ term, (3) Chern-Simons t...
Has anyone ever thought of about a Woozworld 2? And, does
2020年8月5日 · I've been checking in with my wzw account (its 10 years old!) every month or so. I kinda stopped playing religiously in 2015-ish. I miss the old mystery bags, the fun fashion shows, random free things. They're literally just charging people for new clothes every week, and making it harder to actually have fun on there.
Physical meaning of the WZW action and Lagrangian
What is the (super)-WZW term physical meaning? I mean, what is the physical importance of the Wess-Zumino-Witten action/Lagrangian in superstrings/M-theory and or field theory (not stringy if available).
How to derive WZW model’s energy-momentum tensor? The …
2023年11月24日 · But the motivation of Sugawara may lie in the derivation from WZW action and taking functional derivative with respect to the field g g. But I find it difficult when computing that.
Relation between CS/WZW and AdS/CFT - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年11月18日 · The two are distinct, where AdS/CFT is a specific case of holography, which is not usually attributed to CS/WZW. There is an equivalence between the conformal blocks of two-dimensional WZW and the hilbert space of the dual three-dimensional CS theory [Witten 89].
Woozworld's decline in popularity - IMO : r/Woozworld - Reddit
2021年10月17日 · I'm a former wired game creator on wzw and that's the part I enjoyed the most..I also miss the old woozworld stuff. Like being able to buy wooz items on mannequins, use spellz, eat foodz, etc.