Derivative Calculator - Symbolab
Free derivative calculator - differentiate functions with all the steps. Type in any function derivative to get the solution, steps and graph.
积分。分步计算器 - MathDF
• ln^2 (x), ln (x)^2 — \ (\ln^2\left (x\right)\) 分步积分计算器。 输入和解释方便!
d(x²)为什么会等于2xdx,不应该是xdx吗? - 知乎
进行约分: f’(x)=lim dx->0 2x+dx 因为dx是一阶无穷小,所以f’(x)=2x 以上就是x^2导数的严格求导过程,我相信题主能看明白,谢谢
∫e^(-x^2)dx的三种方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
标题格式原因,其实本文要讲的是 \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-x^2}dx 的积分方法。 第一种:转换为二重积分记 I = \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-x^2}dx 那么同理 I = \int_ {0}^ {+\infty}e^ {-y^2}dy 两者相乘得 …
Integral Calculator • With Steps!
Skip the f (x)= part and the differential dx! The Integral Calculator will show you a graphical version of your input while you type. Make sure that it shows exactly what you want. Use …
二阶导数符号,为什么是d²y/dx²,而不是d²y/d²x,或者dy²/dx², …
dx 是一个微变,表示一个很接近零的常数,其就是 Δx 的极限值。 我们先看一阶微分的定义。 很显然分母 dy 是 d 算符对 y (x) 函数的一个运算,得到 dy 这个新函数;而 dx 只是 Δx 的另一种 …
Integral Calculator: Step-by-Step Solutions - Wolfram|Alpha
Free Integral Calculator helps you solve definite and indefinite integration problems. Also double, triple and improper integrals. Answers, graphs, alternate forms.
Derivative Calculator - Mathway
Enter the function you want to find the derivative of in the editor. The Derivative Calculator supports solving first, second...., fourth derivatives, as well as implicit differentiation and …
solving the integral of $e^{x^2}$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
For example, you can express $\int x^2 \mathrm{d}x$ in elementary functions such as $\frac{x^3}{3} +C$. However, the indefinite integral from $(-\infty,\infty)$ does exist and it is …
calculus - Finding $\int x^xdx$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I'm trying to find $\int x^x \, dx$, but the only thing I know how to do is this: Let $u=x^x$. $$\begin{align} \int x^x \, dx&=\int u \, du\\[6pt] &=\frac{u^2}{2}\\[6pt] &=\dfrac{\lef...
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