X-57 Maxwell - NASA
2024年2月14日 · NASA’s X-57 Maxwell all electric aircraft has power! With the successful installation of two 400-pound lithium-ion battery packs in the cabin of the plane. The X-57 …
NASA X-57 Maxwell - Wikipedia
The NASA X-57 Maxwell was an experimental aircraft developed by NASA, intended to demonstrate technology to reduce fuel use, emissions, and noise. [2] The first flight of the X …
X-57 Maxwell Overview - NASA
2018年9月13日 · NASA’s X-57 “Maxwell” is the agency’s first all-electric experimental aircraft, or X-plane, and is NASA’s first crewed X-plane in two decades. The primary goal of the X-57 …
X-57 Technical Papers - NASA
2021年9月2日 · The X-57 is an experimental aircraft designed to demonstrate radically improved aircraft efficiency with a 3.5 times aero-propulsive efficiency gain at a “high-speed cruise” flight …
X-57 Maxwell - NASA
What is the X-57? A small, experimental airplane powered by electricity! All-electric technology will make flying cleaner, quieter, and more sustainable.
全电动推进验证机X-57概述 - (国内统一连续出版物号为 CN10 …
为使X-57验证机达到巡航能量效率提升500%这一首要目标,全电动架构、翼尖巡航电动机、大展弦比机翼以及分布式升力推进系统是其研发的关键。 X-57验证机总工程师麦特·雷迪福表示, …
X-57 Maxwell – SACD - NASA
2024年9月13日 · NASA’s X-57 Maxwell was an all-electric experimental aircraft designed to demonstrate multiple cutting-edge technologies. The goal of the X-57 was to demonstrate that …
【快讯·国际航天】美·NASA全电动飞机X-57 Maxwell即将展开下一 …
2021年2月25日 · x-57的目标是帮助联邦航空管理局为新兴的电动飞机市场设定认证标准。 这将包括沿机翼前缘运行的12台高升力电动机以及两台更大的、安装在翼尖的为巡航而设计的电动机。
X-57 Subproject Need Advance the Nation's ability to design, test, and determine airworthiness of distributed electric and aero -propulsive coupling technologies, which are a critical enabler of …
What is the X-57? - nasa.gov
What is the X-57? A small, experimental airplane powered by electricity! All-electric technology will make flying cleaner, quieter, and more sustainable. X-planes are experimental U.S. …