save - What are the differences between :wq<cr> :x<cr> and ZZ …
From Vim's documentation, :x and ZZ are equivalent; they only save the file if it has been modified, then quit Vim: Write current file, if modified, and quit (same as ":x"). (Note: If there …
Are there any commands aside from ZZ and ZQ that start with Z?
2019年3月2日 · I know that pressing ZZ is the same as :x and ZQ is the same as :q!; are there any others? There doesn't seem to be any around :help ZZ or :help ZQ, and :help Z brings up …
vim ZZ lost output with autocommand - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
and then type :x, the output Hello\nWord along with prompt message is visible. If I use ZZ instead, the message from echo is missing. According to help ZZ is the same as :x. Of course I could …
Save all changed and unchanged buffers then exit
2020年12月16日 · The command :wqa does not work with new files. For example, if you create some empty files and save them with :wqa, you will not find these files after you quit vim. They …
What does z stand for in vim? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2016年3月23日 · I was looking up at tips on screen shifting and came across the following tips: zz = shift current line to middle of screen zt = shift current line to top of screen zb = shift current …
What exactly does \% (...\) and \z (...\) do? - Vi and Vim Stack …
2020年5月13日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
How to remember the most basic commands [closed]
2016年5月25日 · :x save and exit . i insert. Esc switch to control mode. Now I find that I can actually use the vi editor to create a file, edit it and save it with this basic knowledge: I create …
What's the difference between the '\zs' and '\@<=' atoms in Vim …
2018年5月22日 · Regex 2 however does not match, because although \%1c matches in the first column, X\@<= is zero width as mentioned in the documentation. nnoremap starts at column …
Syntax highlighting with multiple matches with `\zs`
2020年1月5日 · The string that I have is this aaabbbb.aaa must become red, bbbb must become blue.. I tried this:" here xB is not matched syntax match xA /^a\+/ syntax match xB /^a\+\zsb\+/ …
vi cursor not working properly when line numbers are set
2021年1月11日 · The cursor with !set nu works as !set nonu. Cursor starts on frist character in margin space before the line numbers start instead of first character after line numbers. Cursor …