When to use $x = A \sin (wt - Physics Stack Exchange
2021年1月14日 · When to use x = A sin(wt + p) x = A sin (w t + p) and x = A cos(wt + p) x = A cos (w t + p) during Simple Harmonic motion when we start our clock when the object is between mean position and extreme position ?
Harmonic motion - University of Tennessee
We now know how to solve this equation. The solution is. x (t) = Acos (ωt + φ), with ω 2 = k/m. The solution to a second-order differential equation includes two constants of integration. Here these constants are A and φ. They are determined by the initial conditions of the problem.
Explaining Sinusoidal Motion: x = A sin(wt) - Physics Forums
2010年5月31日 · Meaning that they are starting off with the object not moving from it's equilibrium position. Had the stretched it to its maximum value, they'd use x=cos (t). So essentially, starting from equilibrium position, use sine. Starting from maximum position, use …
正弦型函数 y = A sin(ωx + φ) + B 中,A、ω、φ、B 分别对其有什 …
当函数y=Asin (ωx+φ), (A> 0,ω> 0),x∈〔0,+∞)表示一个振动量时,A就表示这个量振动时离开平衡位置的最大距离,通常把它叫做振动的振幅;往复振动一次所需要的时间T=2π/ω,它叫做振动的周期。 单位时间内往复振动的次数f=1/T=ω/2π,它叫做振动的频率,ωx+φ叫做相位,φ叫做初相 (即当x=0时的相位 )。 在y=Asin (ωx+φ)中,A称为振幅;ωx+φ称为相位;x=0时的相位(ωx+φ=0+φ=φ)称为初相。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容 …
正弦型函数 - 百度百科
函数y=Asin (ωx+φ), (A>0,ω>0),x∈R的图象可以看作是用下面的方法得到的:先把y=sinx的图象上所有的点向左 (φ>0)或向右 (φ<0)平行移动|φ|个单位,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短 (ω>1)或伸长 (0<ω<1)到原来的1/ω倍 (纵坐标不变),再把所得各点的纵坐标伸长 (A> 1)或缩短 (0<A<1)到原来的A倍 (横坐标不变)。 当函数y=Asin (ωx+φ), (A> 0,ω> 0),x∈〔0,+∞)表示一个振动量时,A就表示这个量振动时离开平衡位置的最大距离,通常把它叫做振动的振幅;往复振动一次 …
Simple Harmonic Motion: why sin(wt) instead of sin(t)?
2018年9月15日 · Firstly, as I said the variation of x with t produces a sine curve, explaining why X is a function of sin (t). I'm fine with that.
高中物理:请写出弹簧振子周期公式的证明过程(T=2π√(m/k))_ …
2024年10月13日 · 根据简谐振动的位移表达式 x = a sin (wt),可以求得速度 v 的表达式为 v = dx/dt = a cos (wt)。 3. 将速度表达式代入动能公式,得到 E = m (a cos (wt))²/2 = ma²cos² (wt)/2。 由于振子经过同一位置时速度有两种方向,所以动能也可以表示为 E = ma²w²/2,其中 w 是圆频率,w = 2πf,f 是振子的频率。 4. 势能的表达式为 P = kx²/2,其中 k 是弹簧的劲度系数,x 是振子的位移。 将位移表达式代入势能公式,得到 P = k (a sin (wt))²/2 = ka²sin² (wt)/2。 5. 由于机械 …
Traveling Wave Equation $\sin (kx-wt)$ vs $\sin (wt-kx)$
2017年8月15日 · Using $\sin (kx-\omega t)$ or $\sin (\omega t-kx)$ does not make a difference: it is just a matter of convention. You can very legitimately change $A\sin (kx-\omega t)$ to $-A\sin (\omega t- kx)$ without causing any damage. Note that the full solution to the wave equation is of the form $A\sin (kx-\omega t+\phi)$.
homework and exercises - Does $x(t) = a \sin^2(\omega t+c)
2024年10月1日 · using the general differential equation. Both the results contradicted each other. So what's the problem here? x(t) = asin2(ωt + ϕ) sin2 θ = 1 − cos 2θ 2. x(t) = a(1 − cos(2ωt + 2ϕ) 2) = a 2 − a 2cos(ω′t + C) (shifted SHM) →x¨(t) +ω2x = 0. → −aω2(sin2(ωt + ϕ)) + a(2ω2)(cos(ωt + ϕ)) (It should be zero.) What definition of shm are you using?
14 : SHM : X=A Sin(wt) or A Cos(wt) ? Sarangi Sir - YouTube
Simple as this may seem most students actually fail to answer the why of the question. This video shows how both of them are really the same.