Grumman X-29 - Wikipedia
The Grumman X-29 is an American experimental aircraft that tested a forward-swept wing, canard control surfaces, and other novel aircraft technologies. Funded by NASA, the United States Air Force and DARPA, the X-29 was developed by Grumman, and the two built were flown by NASA and the United States Air Force. [1]
X-29A - 百度百科
1977 年, DARPA (美国国防高级研究计划局)和美国空军 飞行动力学 实验室(现莱特实验室)开始联合研制一种前掠翼试验机,并将其命名为 X-29A。 由复合材料制成的 X-29A 前掠翼能够在飞行中克服扭曲变形,其强度也有了很大的提高。 1981 年,格鲁门飞机公司被选中建造两架 X-29A。 第一架 X-29A 于 1984 年 12 月 14 日在 爱德华兹空军基地 首飞成功,这是 X 系列试验飞行器计划停滞近十年后的首次飞行,标志着美国重新开始了向航空科研领域最高峰的攀登历程。
Grumman X-29A - National Museum of the USAF
In 1985 the X-29A on display became the world's first forward-swept aircraft to fly supersonically. The X-29A program explored cutting-edge aircraft design features, including forward-swept wings, advanced materials, a forward-mounted elevator (or canard) and …
X-29 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Aircraft - NASA
2015年11月5日 · Two X-29 aircraft, featuring one of the more unusual designs in aviation history, were flown at NASA Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (now Armstrong Flight Research Center) at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The demonstrators investigated advanced concepts and technologies during a multi-phased program conducted from 1984 to 1992.
Looking Back at X-29A in ‘Sweeping Forward’ - NASA
2014年2月14日 · This look-down view of the X-29 research aircraft in flight over California’s Mojave Desert during the 1980s and 1990s shows its striking and unique forward swept wing and canard design.
x29 - 百度百科
x29,是1984年格鲁门公司建造的飞机。 X-29A 同样是 X 系列试验飞行器中十分重要的一员,用于试验前掠翼技术以及为达到下一代战斗机所要求的高机动性、轻重量、低成本、高效率而应用的其它先进技术。
The X-29A is 35% statically unstable longitudinally and is controllable only through the use of an advanced, digital fly-by-wire flight control system (FCS). The predicted aerodynamic advantages of the X-29A configuration are what make the risk of deve-loping and flying a new airplane worthwhile. It is, therefore, imperative that the wing ...
昙花一现——前掠翼喷气式战斗机 - 百家号
2024年12月6日 · x-29a由格鲁曼公司研制,是史上第三种前掠翼设计的喷气式飞机,采用全动式鸭翼、前掠机翼、后机身边条布局,用于试验前掠翼技术及未来战斗机可能使用的先进技术。
X-29 (航空機) - Wikipedia
x-29はアメリカ合衆国のグラマン社によって2機が製作された実験用航空機(実験機)である。 X-プレーンズ のひとつ。 前進翼 をはじめとする多くの新技術を実証した。
Sweeping Forward: Developing & Flight Testing the Grumman X-29A ... - NASA
2013年11月6日 · Since air flows inboard on forward swept wings, unlike the outboard flow on traditionally swept wings, the forward swept wings’ tips remain unstalled at higher angles of attack, retaining maneuverability and controllability. The X-29 was an unusual aircraft with a truly unique silhouette.