Boeing X-32 - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-32 is a concept demonstrator aircraft that was designed for the Joint Strike Fighter competition. It lost to the Lockheed Martin X-35 demonstrator, which was further developed into the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.
X-32’s Test Pilot On Why It Lost To What Became The F-35 - The …
2022年2月4日 · Ultimately, the X-32’s chief test pilot said he thinks Boeing’s final production design would have met the JSF program’s performance requirements just fine, unlike the flight test demonstrator that relied on borrowed concepts.
Boeing X-32 JSF (Joint Stike Fighter) - Military Factory
2016年4月25日 · The Boeing X-32 was a prototype aircraft developed for the US military's Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. The Boeing submission faced off against the Lockheed X-35 which went on to win the lucrative defense contract, leaving the X …
X-32技术验证机 - 百度百科
x-32技术验证机,是波音公司为了获得美国军方jsf联合攻击战斗机项目而推出的样机,通常情况下,战斗机的原型机是不能进入x系列试验飞行器计划的,但鉴于 x-32 和 x-35 在设计中都将尝试一种新颖的而且风险极大的“短距起飞和垂直降落”技术,所以破例为 ...
Boeing X-32A - National Museum of the USAF
The Boeing X-32 was a Concept Demonstrator Aircraft (CDA) built as a multi-purpose jet fighter in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) contest which started in 1996. Boeing built two variants, the X-32A and X-32B, which together performed Conventional Take-Off and Landings (CTOL), Short Take-Off and Vertical Landings (STOVL), and as a Carrier Variant ...
败在闪电的新世纪海盗——波音X-32 - Sina.cn
2017年12月8日 · 公元2000年9月18日,竞标联合打击战斗机项目(Joint Strike Fighter)的波音X-32A战斗机首飞,比起其对手X-35的首飞早了一个多月,后续的试飞进度更是遥遥领先X-35A整整五个月,试飞中的X-32也展现出不错的机动性,此时的X-32一片情势大好,斩将夺旗成为JSF的胜 …
X-32 - Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The Boeing JSF is designed to accelerate faster and be more agile than any other legacy strike fighters. The 2-D thrust-vectored P&W F119 derivative engine will enable pilots to exploit the ...
X-32是美国波音公司研制的“联合打击战斗机”计划(Joint Strike Fighter,JSF)的候选机型,在竞争中输给美国洛克希德·马丁公司研制的X-35(后来发展为F-35战斗机)。
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - X-32
2009年9月26日 · The X-32 was powered by a single advanced turbofan engine fed by one large intake under the cockpit. A unique aspect of Boeing's original inlet design was its ability to move forward and downward to open an auxiliary intake slot bringing in more air for flight at very low speeds (such as landing aboard an aircraft carrier on the Navy variant).
Joint Strike Fighter program - Wikipedia
Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is a development and acquisition program intended to replace a wide range of existing fighter, strike, and ground attack aircraft for the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and formerly Turkey. [1]