Lockheed Martin X-35 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-35 is a concept demonstrator aircraft (CDA) developed by Lockheed Martin for the Joint Strike Fighter program. The X-35 was declared the winner over the competing Boeing X-32 and a developed, armed version went on to enter production in the early 21st century as the F-35 Lightning II.
X-35 - 百度百科
X-35A/B/C 是洛克希德.马丁公司为参加 美国 军方 JSF 战斗机项目 竞标 而研制,采用一台 普惠 F119-SE611 发动机,并采用升力风扇系统来实现垂直飞行。 从外形上看,X-35 更象是一架常规设计的战斗机。 在试飞试验中,X-35 成为了第一架突破马赫 1 的垂直起降飞机。 由于赢得了 JSF 的订单,X-35 将成为 21 世纪初生产数量最大的一种战斗机,它将装备美国空军、海军、海军陆战队和英国皇家空军、皇家海军等多个客户。 [1] 相较于 X-32 来说,X-35 的设计更加务实,采 …
X-35首飞二十周年:图说F-35“闪电II”的前身 - 百家号
2020年10月30日 · 经过验证,洛马公司的x-35b明显优于波音的x-32b,尤其前者可以在不到500英尺(150米)的距离内起飞,在超音速飞行和垂直降落方面也占据优势。 美国国防部认为,波音X-32B的短距起飞/垂直降落性能存在额外风险:当接近地面时,飞机遭遇排气回流到主机的问题 ...
X-35验证机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-35验证机是一款由美国 洛克希德·马丁公司开发的实验飞机,以作為联合打击战斗机计划(Joint Strike Fighter, JSF)的技术验证机。X-35與波音公司的X-32验证机同時競爭JSF計畫,並且由X-35獲選成為計畫的續存設計。
Lockheed Martin X-35 | Military Wiki | Fandom
2000年10月24日 · The Lockheed Martin X-35 was an experimental aircraft developed by Lockheed Martin for the Joint Strike Fighter Program. It was declared the winner over the Boeing X-32 and went on to enter...
Looking Back: X-35C Test Program First Flight Revisited With Test ...
2022年12月15日 · The X-35C test team delivered the fifth-generation fighter into the capable hands of the warfighter. Today, the F-35C serves as one of the most important fighter jets for the U.S. Navy and U.S...
Aircraft Museum - X-35 - Aerospaceweb.org
2009年9月26日 · x-35c Experimental navalized (CV) fighter similar to the X-35A but with larger wings for increased fuel capacity as well as larger horizontal tails and control surfaces, recorded 58 hours of flight time in 73 flights from 16 December 2000 and 10 March 2001 achieving a maximum speed of Mach 1.22 and completing over 250 simulated carrier landings ...
Lockheed Martin X-35C Joint Strike Fighter aviation photos on …
2013年5月16日 · Aircraft: Lockheed Martin X-35C Joint Strike Fighter; Serial #: Photo date: 2006-03-11; Uploaded: 2006-07-11
News - JSF
The next feature in the F-35 Joint Program Office’s Blast From the Past series discusses the inaugural flight of the X-35C, the concept demonstrator aircraft that laid the foundation for the F-35C Lightning II. The C is the aircraft carrier capable variant. Read more about the flight from the perspective of Harbison and Reller.
Boeing X-32 versus Lockheed Martin X-35: Battle of the X-Planes
2021年7月29日 · The X-35 was the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter demonstrator, competing with the Boeing X-32. The initial X-35A reflected the basic Air Force CTOL design, and was used for early flights before being modified into the STOVL version, designated X-35B.