Boeing X-48 - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-48 is an American experimental unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) built to investigate the characteristics of blended wing body (BWB) aircraft. Boeing designed the X-48 and two examples were built by Cranfield Aerospace in the UK. Boeing began flight testing the X-48B version for NASA in 2007.
美国X-48C翼身融合飞机 - 百度百科
美国X-48C翼身融合飞机是指其机翼与机身融合在一起的一款飞行器,由波音公司设计,英国克兰菲尔德航空航天公司按照波音的要求制造。 该飞机呈三角形,采用翼身融合设计,与传统固定翼飞机相比内部空间更大,以搭载更多乘客和货物,能效也超过传统固定翼飞机。
x-48c无人机 - 百度百科
X-48 Research: All good things must come to an end - NASA
2013年4月17日 · The X-48C model, which was formerly the X-48B Blended Wing Body aircraft, was modified to evaluate the low-speed stability and control of a low-noise version of a notional, future Hybrid Wing Body (HWB) aircraft design.
X-48 Project Completes Flight Research for Cleaner, Quieter Aircraft
2013年6月8日 · The X-48C is a version of NASA’s X-48B blended wing body aircraft modified to evaluate the low-speed stability and control of a low-noise version of a notional hybrid-wing-body design. This design features a flattened fuselage with no tail, and engines mounted on top of the fuselage at the rear of the plane.
Boeing Flies X-48C Blended Wing Body Research Aircraft
2012年8月7日 · The X-48C is a modified version of the X-48B aircraft, which flew 92 times at NASA Dryden between 2007 and 2010. The X-48C is configured with two 89-pound thrust turbojet engines, instead of three 50-pound thrust engines on the B-model; and wingtip winglets have been relocated inboard next to the engines on the C-model, effectively turning them ...
Boeing X-48C Blended Wing Body Research Aircraft Completes …
2013年4月12日 · The X-48C, designed by Boeing Research & Technology, built by Cranfield Aerospace Ltd., and flown in partnership with NASA and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, is a scale model of a heavy-lift, subsonic vehicle that forgoes the conventional tube-and-wing airplane design in favor of a triangular tailless aircraft that effectively merges ...
Test of Futuristic X-48C is Historic Wind Tunnel’s Swan Song - NASA
2009年9月17日 · The X-48C test marked the last time the Langley Full Scale Tunnel that was built in 1930 will be used. Credit: NASA/Sean Smith “We have one version of the 21-foot (6.4 m) wingspan BWB prototype, called the X-48B, being flight tested at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, in Edwards, Calif.,” said Dan Vicroy, senior research engineer at ...
x-48c无人机三大特点 - 百度知道
2024年8月30日 · 波音公司推出了x-48c无人机,解决了x-48b噪音大的问题,主打超强静音性能。 通过研究投入,X-48C不仅油耗低50%,噪音低70%,还采用了翼身融合技术,降低飞行阻力,提升升力和降噪效果。
装备|X-48——浅论美国在新型翼身混合布局的探索 - 搜狐
2017年8月19日 · 2012年首飞的X-48C则有了很大的改变,它的展弦比极大,并且上方的舱位基本上独立于下方增升的飞翼结构。 换句话说,X-48C的“飞翼比例”更高了。 X-48B验证机. 在此之后,鬼怪工厂继续和NASA进行着翼身融合布局的研究,在X-48C经验的基础上继续开发了一款新的模型,并在弗吉尼亚州的兰利研究中心的亚音速隧道中进行了高密度的气动测试。 波音公司正在不断地积累和完善这种布局的经验,并表示,这款概念飞机有望在十年内成为现实。 而负责波 …