Lockheed Martin X-55 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-55 Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft (ACCA) is an experimental twinjet transport aircraft. It is intended to demonstrate new air cargo-carrier capabilities using advanced composite materials.
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Carbon Comet: Everything You Need To Know About The Lockheed Martin X-55
2023年6月19日 · The Lockheed Martin X-55 Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft (ACCA), also known as the Carbon Comet, is an experimental twin-engine transport aircraft. Initiated by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), this one-off aircraft was purpose-built to showcase the potential of advanced composite materials.
X-55巡航导弹 - 百度百科
X-55(又称AS-15)是前 苏联 研制的第三代远程 战略空地导弹,可携带210万吨的核装药或500千克的常规战斗部,射程5000公里。 命中精度极高。 X-55 式巡航导弹是前苏联/ 俄罗斯 研制并装备的 空射巡航导弹 ,属于第三代战略空地导弹 , 北约 称之为 AS-15 撑杆。 70 年代末、80 年代初开始研制,1978 年飞行试验,1984 年开始服役。 对应的英文型号为 Kh-55 。 主要用于打击对方战略纵深内的主要目标,可实施 核打击 和常规打击。 ①射程远,威力大。 最大射程为5000 …
The Carbon Comet - Lockheed Martin
2020年10月1日 · X-55 Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft In the mid-1990’s, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) acknowledged that even though there was tremendous potential for the incorporation of advanced composites to reduce aircraft structural weights compared to conventional metal structures, the industry was hesitant to implement them in new aircraft.
2017年4月16日 · 3m10是前苏联第一款三军通用的远程巡航导弹,其空射型号是x-55(北约代号为as-15),陆基型号为rk-55(北约称为ssc-x-4“弹弓”),海基型号为 "石榴石"战略巡航导弹(北语代号为ss-n一21),空基、海基和陆基型号几乎同步装备苏联军队。
Lockheed Martin X-55 | Military Wiki | Fandom
2009年6月2日 · The Lockheed Martin X-55 Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft (ACCA) is an experimental twin jet engined transport aircraft. It is intended to demonstrate new cargo-carrier capabilities using advanced composites. A project of the United States Air Force's Air Force Research Laboratory, it was built...
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X-55 | X-Yachting
Master berth at port with sofa at starboard. 3 Cabins / 3 heads and forward crew cabin. Air conditioning. High output watermaker. Generator. Extra full size refrigerator. Full inventory including dinghy and motor. Sails include – main, jib and …