Northrop X-21 - Wikipedia
The Northrop X-21A was an experimental aircraft designed to test wings with laminar flow control. It was based on the Douglas WB-66D airframe, with the wing-mounted engines moved to the rear fuselage and making space for air compressors. The aircraft first flew on 18 April 1963 with NASA test pilot Jack Wells at the controls. [1]
美国X系列验证机介绍(X-Planes) - 知乎专栏
Huff-Daland 赫夫-达兰公司 Hughes 休斯公司,1984年被麦道公司收购,现属波音公司。 Kratos 奎托斯 防务公司, 原名WFI (Wireless Facilities Incorporated), 创立于1994年, 2007年更为现名。 LRC (Langley Research Center) 兰利研究中心, NASA下属的飞行器地面试验中心 Lockheed 洛克 …
The High Speed, Low Drag Northrop X-21 - FLYING Magazine
2023年5月2日 · Explore how a wing’s lift could be artificially boosted to reduce drag and increase performance, particularly in large, long-range aircraft designs—some of which would be supersonic. Drag reduction...
X-Planes at Armstrong - NASA
2024年6月28日 · Experimental aircraft, or X-planes, are built for a wide range of research purposes – technology or concept demonstrators, unmanned test missiles, and even as prototypes. Here is an overview of X-planes researched and tested at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.
Northrop X-21 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Northrop X-21A was an experimental aircraft designed to test wings with laminar flow control. It was based on the Douglas WB-66D airframe, with the wing-mounted engines moved to the rear fuselage and making space for air compressors. The …
诺斯罗普 X-21A是一种设计用来测试机翼层流效应控制的试验机。 X-21基于道格拉斯WB-66D机身建造。 采用嵌入机翼式引擎以便给 空气压缩机 腾出空间。 于1968年4月18日由NASA试飞员杰克·威尔斯驾驶进行了首飞。
Unveiling the Northrop X-21A: Pioneering Laminar Flow Control
2023年12月10日 · In the early 1960s, amidst the dynamic landscape of aviation exploration, the Northrop X-21A emerged as a beacon of innovation. Tasked with a mission that went beyond the ordinary, this experimental aircraft sought to unravel the secrets of laminar-flow control, a technology promising transformative improvements in aerodynamic efficiency.
Bacterial Adhesion and Corrosion (SpaceX-21) - NASA
2024年4月5日 · The Bacterial Adhesion and Corrosion (BAC) spaceflight experiment, planned for launch on SpaceX-21 in December 2020, will study the effect of spaceflight on the formation of multi-species, surface-adherent bacterial communities (biofilms), their ability to corrode stainless steel surfaces relevant to those on the International Space Station (ISS...
Northrop X-21 - Planes
The Northrop X-21A was an experimental aircraft designed to test wings with laminar flow control. It was based on the Douglas WB-66D airframe, with the wing-mounted engines moved to the rear fuselage and making space for air compressors. The aircraft first flew on 18 April 1963 with NASA test pilot Jack Wells at the controls. [1]
Northrop X-21A - Aero Web
I never worked directly on the X-21 but was employed by Northrop during the period 1954 - 1957 doing basic research on laminar flow that led to the X-21. I was involved in development and …