Lockheed Martin X-44 (UAV) - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-44A is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology demonstrator built by the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. After the 1999 cancellation of the RQ-3 Darkstar, Lockheed Martin decided to build a technology demonstrator for a potential family of flying wing UAVs that could be used for combat and non-combat roles.
Lockheed Martin X-44A - National Museum of the USAF
The X-44A was a low-cost technology demonstrator that led to more sophisticated stealthy unmanned aircraft. Built by the famed Skunk Works, the X-44A successfully tested multiple technologies. Its composite structure airframe was quickly …
Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA (Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft) was an American conceptual aircraft design by Lockheed Martin that has been studied by NASA and the U.S. Air Force. It was intended to test the feasibility of full yaw, pitch and roll …
X-44鬼蝠魟試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-44鬼蝠魟 (英語: Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA)是一款由 洛克希德·馬丁 設計的概念飛機,並由 NASA 與 美國空軍 研究過。 該機的目標是研究飛機在沒有水平與垂直尾翼的狀況下是否有完整的俯仰、滾轉與偏擺能力,並使用 推力向量 來進行姿態控制。 這也是它的名字的由來(M ulti- A xis N o- T ail A ircraft,多軸無尾翼飛機)。 [1] X-44的設計源自 F-22猛禽戰鬥機,並採用了無尾翼的 三角翼 設計。 X-44是由洛克希德·馬丁公司設計的原型機,用以研究僅由向量推力 …
Lockheed Martin X-44 (UAV) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Lockheed Martin X-44 is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology demonstrator built by the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. After the 1999 cancellation of the RQ-3 Darkstar, Lockheed Martin decided to build a technology demonstrator for a …
Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA (Multi-Axis, No-Tail Aircraft)
2022年4月9日 · The X-44 designation resurfaced in another Lockheed product, this being the "X-44A", a deep-fuselage, tailless unmanned aircraft system used in the development of more advanced drones for the company (including the "Sentinel").
X-44 - 百度百科
X-44是用一架F-22原型机进行改装的一架飞机,由NASA和美国空军联合提出的,其名称为“多轴无尾飞机”也称MANTA。 该飞机现在只是一架概念机。 X-44 将用一架 F-22 原型机改装,将其水平尾翼和垂直尾翼拆除,机翼换成三角翼,即取消所有的气动控制面,只使用多轴推力矢量系统来提供所有的飞行控制。 X-44 将于 2006 年开始试飞,有可能作为洛克希德.马丁公司提出的 FB-22 战斗轰炸机的试验平台使用。 但这个项目2000年就下马,停留在概念阶段. X-44是用一架F-22原 …
X-44 MANTA Could Have Changed Aviation History
2024年10月28日 · What You Need to Know: The Lockheed Martin X-44 Manta, short for “Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft,” was a groundbreaking stealth fighter concept developed by NASA and the U.S. Air Force in 1999. It...
Skunk Works unveils The Never Before Seen Tailless UAV …
2018年3月26日 · – Lockheed Martin Skunk Works unveiled a never-before-seen tailless UAV dubbed the X-44A at the Los Angeles County Air Show in California on March 24. Lockheed transported the diminutive swept wing UAV to the air show at Gen. William J. Fox Airfield from its nearby Skunk Works facility at the U.S. Air Force’s Plant 42 in Palmdale.
Lockheed Martin X-44 (UAV) · Drone Jungle
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