FrSky X4R Set-up Help - RC Groups
2019年7月1日 · The two typical setups for the D4R-II, X4R and RX4R is a y-cable (typically on the rudder channel on an aileron ship) or soldering a JST connector to a set of +/- pins after the bend to have a safe connector.
Cannot bind new X4R-SB rx's to Taranis - RC Groups
2015年4月7日 · I've got an FrSky X4R-SB connected to a LUX flight controller. I bound the X4R to my Taranis+ successfully while powered through the USB port on the LUX. In the receiver tab of Cleanflight, the radio registers and controls the appropriate channels. When I unplug the USB cable and connect a LiPo, the X4R no longer connects to my Taranis.
Frsky x4r receiver - RC Groups
2019年9月2日 · In regard to my ZOHD Orbit flying wing from Banggood is the X4R-SB to best one for that wing. I have just installed the ZOHD Orbit a ZOHD Kopilot Lite Autopilot with Return to Home. I have been using a FrSky D8R-2 Plus but it is now too big in size. Is X4R-SB the best for this wing or is there a better more powerful one that has a Serial Bus.
Replacement antenna for FrSky X4R-SB? - RC Groups
2016年9月12日 · I now have about 8 x4r's, all with no antenna's and would really like to find a replacement antenna that works. The top picture is the one in the link. The 2nd picture is what the connectors on the antenna's for my x4r look like The 3rd picture shows the …
X4R-SB and SG90 microservo responding but not pivoting
2018年10月21日 · I have 5 of these servos. I tested them with an Arduno UNO R3 standard servo sample program , where they each smoothly move their full extent (and still now, after I've tried to attach them thru the X4R-SB -- meaning I don't think I've "smoked" or broken any of them, they still work -- I do notice some SG90 servo sticker labels are silver, while others are gold colored, but they all seem to ...
X14 and old receiver X4R issues - RC Groups
2024年7月16日 · This X4R hasn't been used in several years, so I assumed it was a firmware issue. However I can't update the firmware as noted above. Ethos doesn't appear to support .frk files, and when I manually place the .frk file on the radio and select it, it doesn't work.
FRsKy receiver X4R vs D4R-II - RC Groups
2016年5月5日 · With a 1.5M DLG, I am regularly flying at distances > 1000ft . I also make extensive use of the telemetry logs for getting good antenna placement, measureing voltage drop under load, getting RSSI feedback when at distance (I like reassurance), altimeter logs for establishing min sink settings, immediate launch height feedback for perfecting preset and zoom settings etc etc. RX battery low ...
X4R-SB will not bind to my new Taranis QX7 - RC Groups
2017年3月1日 · Just wanted to add myself to this continuing list of people having this issue with the Q X7 and the X4R getting to actually bind correctly. It seems as though I get the first half of the bind process correct as I have the LED colors correct until …
frsky X4R sbus receiver setup help please - RC Groups
2016年2月3日 · Hello everyone, im tackling my first build. Im building an hmb-235 with a naze32 rev5 flight controller. Ive installed a pdb, naze32, motors and esc's.
FRSky X4R Bind Problem. - RC Groups
2016年4月4日 · Ok. Finally got to the bottom of this tonight. I ordered a new (LBT) X4r which I was having the same problem with, So I removed my existing (working) x4r and flashed the firmware(Non EU) I was sure I had used before. It didn't bind. So I tried the EU firmware and my older x4r flashed and binded no problem but the two new X4r's still wouldn't bind.