请问各位大佬x52pro或x56怎么样? - 百度贴吧
表示X56用了半年感觉很好,不像网上说的那么垃圾,按键很多可以解放很多键盘上的组合键。 节流阀阻尼问题其实松到最松,用一段时间自然没那么紧了. 我想问一下x52的那个驱动怎么用啊,我不会设置啊,怎么才可以设置组合键啊? 基本上我认识的骨灰级的大佬都是X52或PRO(少部分自己电脑桌空间富裕的后来换了猪杆) 这些杆子基本上都是接近10年的寿命。 我第一个X52 2008年买的用了8年,修了1次电位器,16年底彻底用报废,所有键位基本接近散架。 17年入 …
罗技 G X52/X52 PRO/X56 模拟飞行摇杆评测:克敌机先_凤凰科技
2018年2月23日 · 罗技 X52、X52 PRO 和 X56 三款模拟飞行摇杆是针对飞行游戏中不同的机种以及人群所定制的产品,它们在外观用料和功能上都有着众多不同,接下来就让笔者为大家带来它们的评测吧。 罗技 X52、X52 PRO 和 X56 三款模拟飞行摇杆的外包装盒与罗技 G 大多数产品一样采用了黑蓝配色,包装盒正面分别印有三款模拟飞行摇杆的外观和型号。 我们可以从包装盒的其他几面找到这款产品的规格信息、包装内容和简单特性的文字描述内容,每一款摇杆产品都包涵 …
X52 vs X52 pro vs X56 : r/flightsim - Reddit
2018年7月18日 · The X52 Pro is nearly identical to the basic X52, but with a few hardware upgrades: a second centering spring, some plastic parts upgraded to metal, etc. The X56, on the other hand, is modified from the design of the X55 Rhino, with two of the X55's hat switches (one each on the stick and throttle) replaced by a pair of basic analog thumbsticks ...
Is the X-56 really that bad? - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2021年11月14日 · I can tell you about the X52… I doubt there’s much difference in quality and feel between X52 and X56. If someone can say otherwise feel free to correct me. I had the X52 hotas and stick first. Hotas felt very nice. Moved smoothly and has a nice grip. BUT! I feel like my hotas had a defect that didn’t play well with the TBM 930 throttle.
Product Comparison: Saitek X52 Pro vs Saitek X56 - BestAdvisor
The X52 Pro takes all the standout features from the original X52 and elevates them to a higher altitude. Saitek introduces the new X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System. Built to the same exacting standards of Saitek's award-winning Pro Flight range, the X-56 Rhino delivers a multitude of customization options.
飞行摇杆怎么选? - 知乎
先说结论:当然是赛钛客x56,x52好了,但是赛钛客在淘宝与京东上都没有店铺,偶尔有几个零星的C店商品,但销量惨淡,产品真假也有待考证。 图马思特在京东是有店铺的,并且是京东自营店铺,正品有保证。
x52 vs x52pro vs x56? : r/dcsworld - Reddit
2020年11月30日 · The x52/pro is too simple to be good for DCS world. The x56 is an excellent HOTAS (I use it). There's severe shortages, though, so they're selling for something like $400 right now. That said, if you want a good HOTAS while keeping the budget down you should consider the Thrustmaster T16000m + TWCS package ($120).
Logitech X52 Pro or X56? What’s best for MSFS2020?
2020年9月3日 · I have the 56, it was recognised well by FS and was setup more or less identically to XPs configuration. But my biggest reason for going X56 was because somebody selling on Ebay makes an excellent 400mm extension for the JS and this is great for a helicopter cyclic.
Getting a stick. X52 Pro vs X56 - Steam Community
2018年1月27日 · the x56 is a lot more versatile but requires more setup.... and resetup to get the controls where you want them and accessible (all controllers have ergonomics you have to figure out and lay out the controls in a way that doesn't prevent you from using certain controls at …
罗技G X52/X52 PRO/X56飞行摇杆评测 - xbox/手柄 - 外设天 …
2018年2月9日 · 罗技g x52、x52 pro和x56三款模拟飞行摇杆是针对飞行游戏中不同的机种以及人群所定制的产品,它们在外观用料和功能上都有着众多不同,接下来就让笔者为大家带来它们的评测吧。
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