mplabx - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Dec 29, 2023 · Our free MPLAB XC C Compiler comes with the majority of the optimizations you need to reduce your code size and increase its efficiency. If you're unsure which optimizations are best for your design, our free MPLAB XC Compiler Advisor can help you find the best optimizations for your project.
capacitor - How do I find C & L from XC and XL? - Electrical ...
Oct 22, 2016 · Calculating Capacitance and Inductance from Capacitive Reactance and Inductive Reactance I'm trying to find the inductor (L) and capacitor (C) values using the inductive reactance (XL) and capacit...
Capacitor Reactance/Impedance Confusion - Electrical Engineering …
Z_C = -j X_C = \frac{- j}{\omega C} = \frac {1}{j \omega C} \] The problem with this approach is that you must always remember that the reactance as the imaginary part of a generic impedance (i.e. X = Im(z)) is not the same reactance you speak of when talking about "pure" capacitors (there the sign of the reactance is embedded in the value of X).
How to Derive Capacitive- and Inductive Reactance Formula
Xc = 1 / ( 2 pi f C ) expressed in ohms. If this is the equation you are trying to derive, forget it... this equation is not ( in math terms ) "rigorously correct", it is actually a crude "rule of thumb", which has some built-in assumptions that are NEVER identified, anywhere. You were on the right track but didn't go far enough...
MPLABX does not generate a .HEX file after succesfully building .c …
I'm trying to program a PIC12F1840 microchip to blink a LED with the following code: #include <xc.h> # ...
voltage - What is CV & CC in power supplies? - Electrical …
Jun 11, 2014 · "CV" stands for "constant voltage", and "CC" stands for "constant current". Most types of load need constant voltage to operate, so if the "CV" LED is lit, it means the PSU works fine with your load.
microcontroller - MPLAB Program won`t recognize xc.h header ...
Apr 20, 2020 · #include <xc.h> has a yellow underline. I control clicked it to investigate more and MPLAB says that the header file for my specific microcontorller cannot be found, but I was able to find it in my xc16 installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.50\support\PIC24F).
Where does j come from in the reactance of L and C components?
Jun 12, 2015 · So the reactance of the inductor is jωL while that of capacitor is 1/jωC.My question is that starting from the differential equations that describe the dynamic behavior of these circuit components, how in the world did a person actually realize that Oh! lets put a j which represents an imaginary number?
microcontroller - Why am I getting an error when setting the TRIS ...
Looks like it is a header file problem. When I highlight "xc.h", right click, and go to navigate -> go to definition, the xc.h file is pulled up but the code does not recognize my pic.h file which is where the header file for my chip is. See imagae for the xc.h screenshot. I tried pointing to the directory in the compiler options but no luck.
What is the difference between \\$V_{CC}\\$, \\$V_{DD}\\$, …
Jul 26, 2011 · If the C is repeated, then we know it cannot be the useless designation of the voltage from C to C, which reminds us that the notation has another meaning. If the second character is going to a glyph, then it should probably be something other than + or - because these look like polarities.