Crucial roles of XCR1-expressing dendritic cells and the XCR1 …
2016年3月23日 · Activated intestinal T cells produce XCL1, which attracts nearby XCR1 + DC; the ensuing DC-T cell crosstalk supports T cell survival, promotes upregulation of CD103 expression with...
在驻留性dc中,作者观察到xcr1表达cd103–和cd103+的两个cdc1亚群,而cdc2则分为cd172a-xcr1-dn dc,以及表达cd11b–和cd11b+的两个cdc2亚群(图3.f)。 接下来,我们将探讨如何对DC细胞进行分选。
XCR1 - Wikipedia
Cross-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) in the spleen develop into XCR1+ DCs in the small intestine, T cell zones of Peyer's patches, and T cell zones and sinuses of mesenteric lymph nodes. XCR1+ DCs specialize in cross-presentations of orally applied antigens.
Frontiers | The Role of XCR1 and its Ligand XCL1 in Antigen Cross ...
2012年2月10日 · Recently, the chemokine receptor XCR1 has been found to be exclusively expressed on a subset of dendritic cell (DC) known to be involved in antigen cross-presentation. This review aims to summarize the known biology of the XCR1 receptor and its chemokine ligand XCL1, both in the mouse and the human.
XCR1+ DCs are critical for T cell-mediated immunotherapy of …
Using the mouse model of chronic LCMV infection, we found that XCR1+ DCs are more resistant to infection and highly activated compared with SIRPα+ DCs. Exploiting XCR1+ DCs via Flt3L-mediated expansion or XCR1-targeted vaccination notably reinvigorates CD8+ T cells and improves virus control.
趋化因子受体XCR1在交叉呈递树突状细胞上的选择性表达确定 …
在本报告中,我们证明了XCR1仅在鼠CD8 + 树突状细胞(DC)上表达,并表明XCL1是该DC子集的有效且高度特异性的化学引诱剂。 在体内CD8 + DC上抗原识别后的8–36小时内,CD8 + T细胞会大量分泌XCL1 ,在此期间,会发生稳定的T细胞-DC相互作用。 在功能上,XCL1增加了抗原特异性CD8 + T细胞的库及其分泌IFN-γ的能力。 XCL1的缺乏削弱了对CD8 + 交叉呈递的抗原的细胞毒性的发展 DC。 因此,XCL1-XCR1轴成为体内有效细胞毒性免疫发展过程中不可或缺的组 …
PD-L1+ and XCR1+ dendritic cells are region-specific ... - Nature
2021年8月13日 · Our findings identify PD-L1 + and XCR1 + DC as region-specific physiologic regulators of intestinal homeostasis. A beneficial multi-ecosystem involving commensal microorganisms, dietary antigens,...
Cross-Presenting XCR1+ Dendritic Cells as Targets for Cancer ...
2020年2月28日 · In this review, we define the universal classification system for cross-presenting DCs, and the vital role of this subset in mediating anti-tumor immunity. Furthermore, we will detail methods of targeting these DCs both ex vivo and in vivo to boost their function and drive effective anti-tumor responses.
Selective Expression of the Chemokine Receptor XCR1 on Cross …
2009年11月20日 · In the present report we demonstrated that XCR1 is exclusively expressed on murine CD8 + dendritic cells (DCs) and showed that XCL1 is a potent and highly specific chemoattractant for this DC subset. CD8 + T cells abundantly secreted XCL1 8–36 hr after antigen recognition on CD8 + DCs in vivo, in a period in which stable T cell-DC ...
Cutting Edge: Expression of XCR1 Defines Mouse Lymphoid …
2011年11月1日 · In this article, we showed that LT-resident CD8α + DCs and NLT-derived CD103 + DCs specifically express XCR1 and are characterized by a unique transcriptional fingerprint, irrespective of their tissue of origin.