XDL 122L | Bristol RELL6L/ECW delivered to Southern Vectis a
2001年8月12日 · XDL 122L Bristol RELL6L/ECW delivered to Southern Vectis as 302 in 1972. She was a one-off purchase for mainland touring in green/cream livery. Later painted in National Express livery and given a Gardner engine for Bristol to Isle of Wight National Express services. Bought upon withdrawal by Northern Bus operating in South Yorkshire.
- 查看次数: 1811
Bristol RELH6G | XDL122L / 302 | Ex Southern Vectis - YouTube
A 1972-built Bristol RELH 6G with an ECW 19874 Series 2 C49F body formerly operated by Southern Vectis painted in the National Express livery owned by the Ha...
XDL122L & KAD359V | Both vehicles restored in National expre
2013年5月27日 · Both vehicles restored in National express livery, Southern Vectis number 302, (XDL122L), A 1972 Bristol RELH6G with ECW body stands alongside KAD359V, a 1980 Black & White (National Travel South West) Leyland Leopard with Plaxton Body at St Catherine’s Park and ride, Winchester on 27 May 2013.
- 查看次数: 1434
XDL122L | The 50th anniversary of production of the Bristol - Flickr
2012年7月29日 · The 50th anniversary of production of the Bristol RE, being celebrated at Bristol will also have this RELH coach with ECW body. Southern Vectis took a sole example of the type in 1972 and 302 (XDL122L) was delivered in traditional Tilling Cream and Green. It has recently been restored to Southern Vectis National Express livery and will make its rally debut in these colours at Brislington on 12 ...
- 查看次数: 658
Illustrated History for XDL122L - bcv.robsly.com
10/1996 - current: Terry Hussey, Basingstoke & Newman, Ryde (for preservation).Reregistered XDL122L, 11/1997. Kept at Steventon barn. Moved to Patchway, by 1/2004.
Category : Preserved bus in the UK (XDL 122L)
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Friends of the PSV Circle | SOUTHERN VECTIS. - Facebook
southern vectis. 302, xdl 122l. Bristol RELH6G, ECW C47F body. New to Southern Vectis 9/72, this would often put in an appearance in London throughout summer months, seen in Battersea Wharf coach...
Bob Mockford Online - Photos
XDL 122L: Southern Vectis 302: A 1972 Bristol RELH. BFJ 175L: Western National 1075: A 1973 Bristol VRT. GNU 568N: Trent 421: A 1974 Leyland National. ...
初探阿里开源X-DeepLearning(XDL)深度学习框架 - 知乎
近期,阿里开源了其自主研发了深度学习框架X-Deep Learning (XDL),该框架专注于高维稀疏数据场景,如推荐、广告、网页排序等,具有很高的商用价值。 据称该框架目前正服务于 阿里妈妈 庞杂的业务场景中。 为了一探究竟,我进行了一番尝试,并将过程记录于此,跟着本教程相信你能在 十分钟内快速入门XDL。 目前,XDL仅支持linux 环境,有两种安装方式:docker镜像以及源码编译。 其中前者的安装非常简洁,仅需两步便可部署好相应的环境,也是官方推荐的安装方式 …
XDL200系列药品追溯码 智能扫码一体机 - XDL - 成都新得利电子 …
XDL200系列专为药品追溯设计,可广泛应用于:药房拣药、进出库登记、制药生产线、药品检测等药品追溯环节,是针对药品生产/流通企业、医院、药店等药品追溯领域进行多码批量、快速扫描应用而设计,可有效提高药品追溯码采集工作效率、减轻人员采集工作量、避免人为疏漏,助力医疗机构高效落实药品追溯码采集工作。 © Copyright 2020 Xindeli Tech. All Rights Reserve 蜀ICP备11012256号-1 技术支持: 新得利条码.