North American F-107 - Wikipedia
The North American F-107 is a prototype aircraft that was North American Aviation's entry in a United States Air Force tactical fighter-bomber design competition of the 1950s, based on the F-100 Super Sabre. It incorporated many innovations and radical design features, notably the over-fuselage air intakes.
F-107終極軍刀戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
F-107終極軍刀( Ultra Sabre )是美國 北美航空在F-100超級軍刀戰鬥機基礎上研製的一款超音速 戰鬥轟炸機, [1] 其設計目的是以超音速突入防線進行核攻擊。F-107以罕見的背部進氣方式而聞名,但也因此帶來太多技術困難而在美國空軍的競標中敗給了與其相似的F-105 ...
North American's F-107 Was the "Ultra Sabre" and Perhaps the …
2012年1月4日 · The F-107 was conceived as a nuclear-capable, fighter-bomber version of the F-100 Super Sabre, with a recessed weapons bay under the fuselage. One requirement was to carry the 1,680-pound Mark 7 tactical nuclear gravity bomb as well as smaller nuclear bombs that were expected in the near future.
F-107战斗机 - 百度百科
North American F-107A - National Museum of the USAF
The F-107A was a mid-1950s development of the successful F-100 Super Sabre. Special features of the F-107A included an engine air intake above the cockpit, an all-moving vertical fin, and a system (called a Variable Area Inlet Duct) that automatically …
F-107A Ultra Sabre Fighter - Airplanes Online
The North American Aviation F-107 (NA 212) was based on the F-100 Super Sabre, and included many innovations and radical design features such as the over-fuselage air intakes. Never officially named by the Air Force, it has been known as …
2021年9月25日 · F-107是作为战斗轰炸机设计的,背上驮着的进气道无疑是最吸睛的标志性特征。 这种进气道可以说绝无仅有,即使是美国海军的XFY也只是开在机背两侧,其实在一开始的设计方案里,F-107的这个进气道是被安装在下颌位置、有点类似歼-7MF的样子,但F-107进气道中央有可移动隔板,通过隔板调节进气道截面形状和大小,以优化进气条件,不过可能是F-107上的调节方式还不太成熟,最后还是干脆定位在了一个固定的位置。 采用这种进气道,一方面的原因 …
F-107 (航空機) - Wikipedia
North American Aviation F-107A | This Day in Aviation
2024年9月10日 · The North American Aviation F-107A was a single-seat, single-engine supersonic fighter bomber. It was equipped with a very sophisticated stability augmentation system. The F-107A was 61 feet, 10 inches (18.847 meters) long with a wingspan of 36 feet, 7 inches (11.151 meters) and height of 19 feet, 8 inches (5.994 meters).
YF-107A — The Ultra Sabre Survivors
2 天之前 · NASA found the planes to be so unreliable that they were quickly retired. These two aircraft survive in museums. The lasting legacy of the F-107 is the air intakes located above the cockpit. It is a testament that every problem has solution, even if that solution is unconventional.