FUJINON XF16mmF1.4 R WR | Lenses | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX
With its 83.2º angle of view slightly wider than what the human eye can see, XF16mmF1.4 lets visual storytellers record every detail in expansive scenes, intricately decorated interiors, or …
为什么说FUJIFILM 富士 XF16mm F1.4这颗镜头值得你拥有?
2018年5月28日 · 此款镜头具有16mm的固定焦距(相当于35mm格式的24mm),视角宽广,光学性能优异。 其采用了F1.4的最大光圈设计,即使在弱光条件下也能呈现高的图像质量,而且 …
FUJIFILM XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR Lens 16463670 B&H Photo Video
Fast and wide, the XF 16mm f/1.4 R WR is a 24mm-equivalent wide-angle lens designed specifically for FUJIFILM X-mount mirrorless cameras. Two aspherical and two extra-low …
輕裝上路、抵玩之選︰FUJINON XF 16mm F2.8 用後感
最近小編就試用了富士這支只重 155g 的 FUJINON XF 16mm F2.8 R WR,便宜、輕便之餘亦有定焦大光圈、高畫質的好處,而且更有防塵防水滴規格,可謂無反隨身鏡頭的一個不錯選擇。 …
FUJIFILM XF 16mm f/2.8 R WR Lens B&H Photo Video
Continuing FUJIFILM 's series of compact, portable primes, the silver XF 16mm f/2.8 R WR is a 24mm-equivalent wide-angle lens, well-suited to landscape, nature, and architectural shooting.
XF 16mm F2.8 R WR 產品概述 恆昶實業 - FUJIFILM
「FUJINON XF16mmF2.8 R WR」擁有相當於24mm的焦距(35mm格式等效焦距)和F2.8最大光圈。 搭配富士軟片特有的X-Trans™ CMOS感測器,它可助力攝影師呈現卓越的拍攝效果。 …
Fujifilm XF 16mm F2.8 R WR 黑色 平行輸入 - BigCamera
XF16mmF2.8 R WR鏡頭採用由步進馬達驅動的內對焦系統,可實現更加快速和安靜的自動對焦。 相機外部採用了大量金屬部件,既高端大氣又結實耐用,而光圈環和對焦環的設計則注重使用 …
Fujifilm Fujinon XF 16mm F1.4 R WR Review - PCMag
2017年10月19日 · The Fujifilm Fujinon XF 16mm F1.4 R WR ($999) carries a premium price, but backs it up with matching performance. The lens covers a wide (24mm in full-frame terms) …
Fujifilm 16mm f/2.8 Review - KenRockwell.com
2019年4月17日 · The Fujifilm 16mm f/2.8 is a great little lens because it's all-metal, inexpensive, compact, extremely well made with engraved markings and of course it's super sharp. If you …
Fujifilm Fujinon XF 16mm f/2.8 R WR review - Digital Camera World
2024年8月29日 · The Fujifilm XF 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 R LM WR is the company’s latest kit lens and it offers the same f/2.8 maximum aperture as the XF16mm F2.8 at the 16mm setting, plus the …