Equipment upgrade for XG2 box? | Xfinity Community Forum
Dec 11, 2020 · There are 2 types of XG2 one is not compatible, assuming you’ve got the Samsung model A compatible streaming device (excludes Xi5 TV Boxes) with Xfinity Flex service or a compatible X1 TV Box (RNG150, Pace Xi3, Samsung XG2v2, and Arris and Pace XG1v1 TV Boxes aren’t compatible) with Xfinity X1 service.
ANSWERED: Side by side Xfinity X1 TV Box Comparison - DVR vs.
Aug 10, 2017 · This article lists the different model TV Boxes that you may have, including the XG1, XG2, XG3, XG4, RNG150N and XiD. Notes: While you may have these devices in your home, it does not necessarily mean they are currently available for installation. The ability to pause and rewind live TV, recordings and Xfinity On Demand programs varies by TV Box.
XG2v2-P set up with 6 TVs - Xfinity Community Forum
Apr 10, 2020 · One of those XG2 (probably the new one) isn’t communicating with the gateway, so the gateway can talk to the XI6. The first XG2 is probably the one talking to the other 3 boxes. Did you try any of the other suggestions, if yes only customer service is going to help.
XG2v2-P vs XG2v2-S | Xfinity Community Forum
Dec 29, 2020 · @WestPennPete. Hi there! I'd be glad to ensure that this gets looked into further. Please click on my handle (ComcastRob) and send a private message with your name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number, and any pertinent details-- like the ticket number(s)-- so we can help.
XR15 Remote does not turn off XG2 X1 Cable Box
Sep 22, 2022 · As it turns out the real issue here is that we were provided with two XG2 Boxes for our 2 TV set up and should have been provided with one XG2 Box for the main TV and an Xi3 Box for the secondary TV. This is based on the recommended solution after Comcast analyzed the equipment issued for our set up.
XG2v2-P Performance Issues | Xfinity Community Forum
Jul 29, 2022 · I exchanged the XG2 box at the local store after discussing the issue with the rep. The result is that the new (refurbed XG2v2-P) is possibly a little bit better but the nail in the coffin was attempting to watch shows on Paramount; the delay in remote commands is ridiculous, upwards of 8 seconds at times.
Is the XG2v2-P a DVR? - Xfinity Community Forum
Jul 16, 2021 · Calling an XG2 a DVR strips the phrase "Digital Video Recorder" of any meaning. You can program recordings and watch them on a phone or a tablet, but that does not make a phone or tablet a DVR as the term is used in cable TV service. The XG2 is what a Comcast calls a "TV box", not a DVR.
XG2v2-P performance - Xfinity Community Forum
Oct 17, 2022 · very long response time is due to local conditions (home wiring, neighborhood wiring) issues. you can quickly prove this by using the Xfinity TV remote app as a digital remote control. all commands at your local set top box are sent upstream to comcast servers that then tell your box via return message what your set top box is to to (change ...
ANSWERED: Xfinity X1 Boxes and IR Locations
Dec 28, 2018 · Pace XG2 – Manufacturer model # PX022ANM/PX022ANC. IR target indicated in yellow. IR target indicated in yellow. This model has 1 RF In, 1 RF Out, Analog Audio (RCA L & R) Out, Composite Video Out, HDMI Out, SPDIF Out.
XG2v2-S DVR Cable Box | Xfinity Community Forum
Jun 30, 2023 · I started having problems with our DVR cable box performance about a month ago. After many "chats" and phone calls, a technician finally came out, tested the connections and wiring and conclu...