## This is the correct output```## EvaluationThe evaluation of this task is based on the correctness and relevance of the generated snippet. The snippet should accurately capture …
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滙豐英國 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
滙豐英國銀行有限公司 (英語: HSBC UK Bank plc,縮寫: HSBC UK,簡稱: 滙豐英國)是 英國 一間 分隔運作 (英语:Ringfencing) 的 銀行,為 滙豐控股有限公司 的全資附屬機構, …
HSBC UK - Personal & Online Banking
Everything’s Premier with the premium account that gives you more than banking. Qualify for Premier with £100k individual annual income or £100k savings or investments with HSBC UK, …
HSBC UK - Wikipedia
HSBC UK Bank plc is a British multinational banking and financial services organisation based in Birmingham, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the global HSBC banking and …
Contact Us | Help & Support - HSBC UK
Get in touch with us directly via our HSBC UK X account. We'll do everything we can to help put things right if something has gone wrong. It's easy to answer your query online. Visit our Help …
小红书爬虫(xhs)使用教程 - CSDN博客
2025年1月6日 · xhs 是一个用于从 小红书 网站提取数据的 爬虫工具,基于Python编写。 该项目通过封装网络请求,提供了方便的数据抓取接口。 它遵循MIT许可证,并在GitHub上开放源代 …
XiaoHongShu (小红书) Basic Operation Guide for Beginners
2025年1月8日 · XiaoHongShu, also referred to as “Little Red Book,” REDnote, or more commonly as XHS is one of China’s most influential social commerce platforms, blending user-generated …
GitHub - Zhaoxixiangchu/xhs-python: 小红书链接提取/作品采集工 …
提示:使用 XHS-Downloader 用户脚本批量提取作品链接,搭配 XHS-Downloader 程序可以实现批量下载无水印作品文件!
Help - HSBC UK
We're gradually releasing the updated version of the HSBC UK Mobile Banking app over the next few months. This means some customers will get the app before others. There's nothing you …