What is the difference between HTML and XHTML? - Stack Overflow
2019年5月22日 · HTML5 also does talk about "boolean attributes".But it says "If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute’s canonical name, with no leading or trailing white space."
'xhtml' tag wiki - Stack Overflow
XHTML is often used as the basis for server-side markup languages, so that the can be manipulated by XML-based tools. The final output of these tool chain might be generated documents in the regular HTML syntax or in the XHTML syntax prior to sending to the browser. One common confusion with XHTML is over the use of doctypes and content types.
What is the difference between creating JSF pages with .jsp or …
2014年6月24日 · Using *.xhtml as URL pattern was not possible in JSF 1.x with Facelets 1.x, because the FacesServlet would then run in an infinite loop calling itself everytime. An additional advantage of using *.xhtml is that the enduser won't be able to see raw JSF source code whenever the enduser purposefully changes the URL extension in browser address bar ...
html - What's the need for XHTML? - Stack Overflow
2009年10月13日 · XHTML forces you to write cleaner code which is easier to maintain, renders more consistently, and easier to hook into the DOM. Comparing XHTML to HTML is like comparing a programming language that is strongly-typed to a programming language that is loosely-typed. As mentioned above, XHTML allows you to play with SVG and MathML.
Compare/contrast HTML, XHTML, XML, and HTML5 - Stack Overflow
2009年9月15日 · @GiH Depends on whether you mean the spec or what's actually used. I remember reading that a tiny fraction of sites with an XHTML doctype were actually serving the correct MIME type, and so browsers didn't actually treat most of them as XHTML. (Not to mention "XHTML" which didn't validate and also wasn't treated as XHTML by the browser.)
xhtml - HTML: What's the correct form of BR? - Stack Overflow
In all forms of XHTML it is <br/>. This is case-sensitive, and again whitespace between the r and the /> is ignored. <br></br> is also allowed, but unusual (there are backwards-compatibility issues, it's extra typing, and allows for bugs if you introduce more content between the tags by mistake, but it does sometimes happen in XML ...
HTML 4, HTML 5, XHTML, MIME types - the definitive resource
The XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 specifications are both in use. Essentially, they use the same language as HTML 4.01 but use a different serialization, one that is compatible with the XML 1.0 specification. i.e. XHTML is an XML application. The HTML5 (as of 2010-04-18, draft) specification describes a new language for both HTML and XHTML.
html - How to use HTML5 features with XHTML - Stack Overflow
2012年10月9日 · The requirement “XHTML compliant (Strict or Transitional)” is obscure, but if it is meant to refer to XHTML 1.0 specifically, then the assignment is self-contradictory (unless you are supposed to use client-side scripting to get to “HTML5 features”). (This answer was largely rewritten thanks to @Alohci’s comments.)
What's the difference between XHTML and DHTML?
2011年2月18日 · XHTML is a w3c standard, a form of HTML that also strictly conforms to XML. DHTML is a largely deprecated term (it is short for 'Dynamic HTML') which was introduced when the first early static web sites started introducing client …
xhtml - How to make HTML code inactive with comments - Stack …
2016年8月21日 · I have some HTML code on a page that I don't want to erase, but make inactive for the short term. How can I make the browser ignore parts of the page in the same way the // works in some programming