Designing HTML for Inline XBRL 1.0
2023年4月19日 · Inline XBRL provides a mechanism for including HTML markup from the source document in an XBRL fact value. This mechanism is enabled by setting the value of the escape attribute on an ix:nonNumeric element to true. When enabled, any HTML tags occurring within the Inline XBRL tag will be included in the resulting fact value.
GitHub - XBRLInternational/ixbrl-samples: Inline XBRL sample documents
This repository contains a number of Inline XBRL (or iXBRL) sample documents created by XBRL International. These samples were created to demonstrate that the requirement to use XHTML in iXBRL documents imposes no practical constraints on the design and styling of the documents.
下载 iXBRL 和 XHTML 以发布到网上 – 支持中心
2024年12月11日 · 要下载并访问 iXBRL 查看器,请按照以下步骤操作: 在您想要下载的报告中,为整个文档生成 XBRL。 在XBRL生成面板中,下载新一代的iXBRL Viewer。 这将在您的桌面上保存一个以报告命名的 .zip 文件。 在您的计算机上,解压下载的报告文件并提取所有文件。 注意: 应将整个 .zip 文件夹发送给 IT/web 团队进行上传。 在您解压文件的位置,使用 iXBRL 查看器找到 .htm 文件。 这是使用 iXBRL 查看器发布报告时应使用的文件。 使用的 XBRL 生成应与 …
ESEF - Filing in iXBRL or XHTML? - CoreFiling website
2020年5月4日 · iXBRL is a way to embed machine-readable XBRL tags within an XHTML document so that the resulting document is both human and machine-readable. An iXBRL document is an XHTML document, with some extras thrown in. One of iXBRL’s key strengths derives from how these tags are embedded.
Difference between XML, XBRL, iXBRL and xHTML - SustainoTech
Ease of Maintenance: XHTML facilitates easy maintenance, editing, conversion, and formatting of documents in the long run. Combination of Strengths: XHTML combines the strengths of HTML and XML, allowing XHTML pages to be rendered by all XML-enabled browsers. Quality Standards: XHTML defines a quality standard for webpages.
Everything You Need to Know About Inline XBRL (iXBRL)
2021年9月20日 · iXBRL (Inline XBRL) is a filing format that merges the aesthetic benefits of a human-readable HTML file with the machine-readable XBRL instance document file. The result is a combined file that is submitted to a regulator — and available to the public through the EDGAR program — that contains both the traditional financial statements and ...
Working with Inline XBRL - Oracle Help Center
iXBRL allows the user to view the XBRL tags on the document without having to maintain or create a separate XBRL file. The same validation, tagging process, taxonomy rules and best practices apply to both XBRL and iXBRL reports.
Inline XBRL Processing - Examples | xbrl
Inline XBRL filings are well formed XHTML files, which include embedded XBRL facts. In many cases it is needed to extract the native XBRL content from such a filing for further processing. {XM} includes a module to directly load iXBRL files in …
GitHub - xbrlus/process_ixbrl: A RESTful web service to process …
A RESTful web service that receives an Inline XBRL file which may have an HTM, HTML or XHTML extension. The processor executes up to four operations based on parameters sent to the web service. These parameters and their associated actions are as follows: VALIDATE - Validate the filing and return either a success code or a list of errors.
Designing HTML for Inline XBRL 1.0
2022年12月7日 · When content in an iXBRL document is tagged using an ix:nonNumeric tag, care needs to be taken in order to ensure that the fact values extracted from the iXBRL document preserve whitespace, so that breaks between words, paragraphs and numbers are retained. This section describes some of the common issues.