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Grok is your cosmic guide, now accessible on grok.com, iOS, and Android. Explore the universe with AI. Supercharge your applications with Grok's enhanced speed, precision, and …
Jun 14, 2024 · 其实这个字读音不同,代表的意思不同,读“qí”是动词,常见的骑马;读“jì”,是一个量词,一人一马为一骑(jì)。 最让人气愤的是,当年老师不断敲黑板让你记住的“说服”(shuì fú),现在真的读“shuō fú”了。 你说气人不气人呢?
Xi'an - Wikipedia
Xi'an[a] is the capital of the Chinese province of Shaanxi. A sub-provincial city on the Guanzhong plain, [4] the city is the third-most populous city in Western China after Chongqing and Chengdu, as well as the most populous city in Northwestern China. [5] .
夏,汉语一级字,读作xià或jiǎ,最早见于甲骨文 [1],其本义是雄武的中国人或中国人(两处的“中国”都特指“中原一带”),即《说文解字》所谓的“中国之人也”,后假借指一年四季之中的第二季。 夏,象形字。 关于“夏”的字源,主要有两种观点。 其一,在字形上,甲骨文中的”夏”字(图①)是一个人的象形:头、发、眼、身躯、两臂、腿脚一应俱全,且双手摆开呈现出一种强而有力的架势。 金文中的“夏”字(图①)较其甲骨文字形大大地复杂化:人的头和身躯变成繁体的“页”字形 …
Xi’an | China, Map, History, & Attractions | Britannica
Feb 24, 2025 · Xi’an, city and capital of Shaanxi sheng (province), north-central China. It is located in the south-central part of the province, at the southern limit of the Loess Plateau. The city site is on a low plain on the south bank of the Wei River. Just to the south the Qin (Tsingling) Mountains rise dramatically above the plain.
Xia dynasty - Wikipedia
The Xia dynasty (/ ʃ i ɑː /; Chinese: 夏朝, romanized: Xià cháo) is the first dynasty in traditional Chinese historiography. According to tradition, it was established by the legendary figure Yu the Great, after Shun, the last of the Five Emperors, gave the throne to him. [1]
Top 10 Interesting Things to Do in Xi'an - China Highlights
Follow us to start a journey to every corner of the city and uncovered the best things to see and do in Xi'an. 1. Pay a Visit to the Terracotta Warriors. The Terracotta Warriors is considered one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world, and one of …
Xi'an travel - Lonely Planet | China, Asia
Archaeologists have uncovered 200 more terracotta warriors in China, during excavations close to the mausoleum of the country's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. Explore Xi'an holidays and discover the best time and places to visit.
霞(拼音xiá)是汉字通用规范一级字(常用字)。 [1] 此字始见于《说文》中。 [2] 《说文·雨部》中说“霞,赤云气也。 ”本义指日出、日落前后天空及云层上因日光斜照而出现的彩色光象或彩色的云。 后引申为像彩霞般的颜色。 《楚辞·屈原·远游》中说“载营魄而登霞兮,掩浮云而上征。 ”这里的霞又通“遐”,指远。 [2-4] “霞”是形声字。 字形采用“雨”做形旁。 篆文从雨,表示与云有关。 叚声。 本义是日出、日落前后天空及云层上因日光斜照而出现的彩色光象或彩色的云。 所谓的 …
从日,叚 ( xiá )声。 本义:空闲,闲暇. 暇,闲也。 ——《说文》 不敢自暇自逸。 ——《书·无逸》 好以瑕。 ——《左传·成公十六年》 将吊不暇。 ——《国语·晋语》 炊不暇熟。 ——唐· 柳宗 …