Xi Zhongxun - Wikipedia
Xi Zhongxun (Chinese: 习仲勋; pinyin: Xí Zhòngxūn; 15 October 1913 – 24 May 2002) was a Chinese Communist revolutionary and politician who played a significant role in the history of the People's Republic of China.
十六年落魄生涯铸就习近平的崛起 - ABC News
2021年6月2日 · 约瑟夫·特里吉安(Joseph Torigian)博士是研究中国精英政治的专家、正在撰写习近平父亲的传记。 他说,那段时期地位一落千丈的经历塑造了这位日后的中国国家主席。 习近平的父亲曾与毛主席是战友,也是中共第一代领导人。 但在1960年代初,习仲勋被当成“反党分子”打倒,那时习近平只有9岁。 “习仲勋的副总理职务被撤销,并被送到党校接受隔离审查。 “那些人让他写悔改书,反思自己做错了什么,还要接受劳改。 中国国家主席习近平(左)、弟弟习 …
Xi Zhongxun | Chinese politician | Britannica
Xi Jinping is a politician and government official who became president of China in 2013 and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2012. He was also vice president of China from 2008 to 2013. Who is Xi Jinping's father? Xi Jinping is the son of Xi Zhongxun, who once served as deputy prime minister of China.
China Wiki – The free encyclopedia on China, china.org.cn
Xi Zhongxun (习仲勋) was a former prominent CPC member and state leader. He made great contributions to Chinese revolution and economic construction. Born on October 15, 1913 in Fuping, Shaanxi Province, Xi joined the Communist Youth League in May 1926, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1928.
Xi Zhongxun – Chinese Leaders
Liberal former Vice Premier, described as a “dove”. Have any of his values been passed on to his son, Xi Jinping. Education: Unknown. Career: Despite being purged from Party several times, rose eventually to Vice Premier before being sidelined for expressing concerns over handling of Tiananmen protests in 1999.
Xi Zhongxun - ProleWiki
2024年10月31日 · Xi Zhongxun (15 October 1913 — 24 May 2002) was a Chinese communist revolutionary and father of current Chinese president Xi Jinping. He served as the Head of the...
Xi Zhongxun (Xi Jinping's Father) ~ Wiki & Bio with Photos
2024年9月30日 · Xi Zhongxun (15 October 1913 24 May 2002) was a communist revolutionary and a political leader in the People's Republic of China. He is considered to be among the first generation of Chinese leadership. The contributions he made to the Chinese communist revolution and the development of the People
China Venerates a Revolutionary, the Father of Its New Leader
2013年10月15日 · Ancestor veneration in China is back. The Communist Party has devoted official meetings, books, a six-episode television documentary, a garish children’s performance and postage stamps to mark a...
Xi Zhongxun (1913-2002) - Find a Grave Memorial
2002年5月24日 · Xi Zhongxun was a communist revolutionary and a political leader in the people's Republic of China. His is considered to be among the first generation of Chinese leadership.
Symposium marks birthday of Xi Zhongxun - China.org.cn
2013年10月15日 · Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday attended a symposium in Beijing to commemorate what would have been the 100th birthday of his father Xi Zhongxun, a respected Communist elder and former vice premier of China. Xi Zhongxun died aged 89 on Oct. 15, 2002.