Prof. JING, Xingjian | Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. JING received his B.S. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, M.S. degree and PhD degree in Robotics from Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China, respectively.
Xingjian Jing - Google Scholar
PhD candidate at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, M.Sc. from Wuhan University of Technology. Vibration isolation by exploring bio-inspired structural nonlinearity.
Xingjian JING | Professor (Full) | PhD in Nonlinear Systems (U. of ...
The research topics of Prof. XJ Jing (景興建) include: (1) Nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain with a parametric characteristic approach; (2) Vibration control, sensors, energy...
Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Google Sites
The NDVC Lab aims at innovative application-oriented theory and methods for analysis, design, signal processing and control of complex nonlinear systems, and their applications in different...
Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Publications - Google Sites
2024年7月22日 · It is revealed for the first time that the bio-inspired X-shaped or limb-like structure can provide very beneficial nonlinear stiffness, damping and inertia characteristics and can be applied...
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Prof. XJ Jing's NDVC Lab - Group members - Google Sites
Prof Jing currently serves as Associate Editors of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, and IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics-Systems. He also...
Xingjian Jing's lab | City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
The research topics of Prof. XJ Jing (景興建) include: (1) Nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain with a parametric characteristic approach; (2) Vibration control, sensors ...
Dr. Xingjian Jing | Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of ...
Dr. Xingjian Jing RIAIoT People. PolyU Scholars Hub Dr. Xingjian Jing. Associate Professor . Phone +852 2766 6680 stream AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform , AIoT Infrastructure PolyU Scholars Hub. ORCID ID. SCOPUS ID ...
Xingjian Jing (0000-0003-3498-2180) - ORCID
homepage of prof xj jing. city university of hong kong profile page. Other IDs. expand_less. ResearcherID: B-2120-2008. Scopus Author ID: 8861837700. Loop profile: 598538. ... Xingjian Jing; Bing Li; Hao Liu; Yuchong Yang; Chundong She Show more detail. Source: check_circle. City University of Hong Kong