XM2 Tango Mini
The Tango Mini is a versatile FPV drone that seamlessly accommodates both hard mount and stabilized configurations. With the hard mount setup, it can achieve a raw and exhilarating perspective, perfect for capturing high-energy action scenes.
XM2 Tango
XM2 Tango. The tools we use at XM2 are the best in the world, and the locations we get to use them are absolutely spectacular. Episode ix. It was an amazing experience working on the biggest film franchise of all time, and working with the team at XM2 is always so easy.
天空之眼——无人机拍摄的奥秘 - 尊正资讯
2023年11月27日 · 一台5英寸(约13厘米)的XM2 FPV(第一人称主视角)穿越机搭载GoPro。 航拍摄影公司XM2 Pursuit的CEO史蒂芬·吴(Stephen Oh)曾为众多影视项目设计了大型无人机,包括由 保罗·卡梅隆 (Paul Cameron,ASC)担任DP的 《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》 (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)。 吴指出,参与如此大规模项目的电影人通常更倾向于始终用“相同的传感器和镜头”来拍摄,从而实现无人机拍摄与在地面的摄影机拍摄之间的一 …
The XM2 drone used to film Star Wars Episode 9
2019年5月3日 · XM2’s workhorse drone is the hexacopter called Tango. This beast can carry a payload of close to 20 kg (44 pounds) and fly up to 44 miles per hour. The Tango sports lifting legs and can carry ridiculous cinema cameras like the Red Monstro, capable of recording in 8K at 60 frames per second.
XM2 TANGO - A Closer Look! - YouTube
Get the complete lowdown on XM2 Tango. Aidan describes the features of the system and answers your questions about important topics including:- Tango vs Tang...
XM2 Tango | Heavy Lift Drone - YouTube
For more information and pricing please visit: https://tinyurl.com/y9bjoeprAt XM2 we strive to be the best in aerial cinematography. We realised that the cur...
Drones - KopterCam
XM2 Tango is a fusion of efficiency, capability and performance. It is the only aircraft of its kind to combine true, heavy lift capabilities with prolonged fight time. XM2 Tango has been created with a strong knowledge of industrial applications, resulting in a powerful platform capable of lifting a wide variety of payloads.
XM2 Tango探戈舞_无人机整机_产品_无人机网 ... - youuav.com
XM2 Tango是效率,功能和性能的融合。这是同类飞机中唯一将真正的重载能力与延长的飞行时间相结合的飞机。XM2 Tango由XM2空中飞行员设计和建造,具有数百个飞...
XM2 Drone
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XM2 Tango探戈舞 - m.youuav.com
XM2 Tango是效率,功能和性能的融合。这是同类飞机中唯一将真正的重载能力与延长的飞行时间相结合的飞机。XM2 Tango由XM2空中飞行员设计和建造,具有数百个飞...