XM25 CDTE - Wikipedia
The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, [5] also known as the Punisher and Individual Semiautomatic Air Burst System was an airburst grenade launcher with programmable ammunition derived from the XM29 OICW.
XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS), also known as the Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, and perviously referred to as the Air-Burst Assault Weapon or...
ATK XM25 “Game-Changer” Semi-Auto 25mm Airburst Grenade …
2010年12月10日 · The XM25 is essentially a box magazine-fed semi-auto 25mm grenade launcher capable of firing 25mm HEAB rounds accurately up to a reported distance of 2,300 ft. (approx. 767 yards). XM25 magazine capacity is 4 rounds.
XM25 - Army Guide
The XM25 air-burst assault weapon is a next-generation, semi-automatic weapon system designed for effectiveness against enemies protected by walls, dug into foxholes, or hidden in hard-to-reach places. The XM25 provides the soldier with a 300 to 500% increase in hit probability to defeat point, area, and defilade targets out to 500 meters.
爆破反恐武器之美国XM25反防御目标应对系统 - 网易
2020年3月31日 · xm25反防御目标应对系统发射25毫米电子引信榴弹,这种榴弹被设计为当接近目标时在半空中引爆。 武器上的激光测距仪具有确定目标距离的作用,用户能够手动设定引爆距离,而武器本体则会自动把引爆距离传送到膛室内的榴弹,榴弹在发射后便会以自转圈数 ...
XM25 - Modern Firearms
The XM25 is a gas operated, rotating bolt, semiautomatic weapon. It is designed using bull-pup layout, with the magazine and bolt located in the buttstock. The weapon housing is made from impact-resistant polymer.
XM-25: The US Army's first smart shoulder-fired weapon - New …
2009年5月27日 · Developed jointly by the German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch and the US company Alliant Techsystems (ATK Corporation), the XM-25 is a semi-automatic, shoulder-fired weapon with a five-round...
2024年11月19日 · xm25也被称为“惩罚者”,它源自上世纪90年代开始研制的早期下一代步兵武器计划,称为“理想步兵作战武器(oicw)”。 美军士兵操作XM25“惩罚者”原型。
如何评价在一月四日央视曝光的中国新型单兵作战武器? - 知乎
于是陆军又把这东西自动步枪去掉,毕竟真正先进的是上面那个配火控系统的半自动榴弹发射器,叫xm25,又加了一些高大上的功能,火控系统更加先进了,不但能用于测距、弹道计算和设定引爆时间,还具有目标视频跟踪功能,使射手可以快速识别目标和开火 ...
U.S. M25 & XM25 SNIPER WEAPON SYSTEM - Sniper Central
2020年4月3日 · Model: M25/XM25; Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Win.) Barrel Length: 22" (559mm) Twist: 1:11" Magazine: 20 or 5 round detachable box magazine; Trigger: Specially tuned 4 1/2 pound match two-stage military trigger; Stock: McMillan Fiberglass, glass bedded. Weight: 10.8 lbs (4.9kg), no optics; Overall Length: 44.3" (1125 mm)