XM25 CDTE - Wikipedia
The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, [5] also known as the Punisher and Individual Semiautomatic Air Burst System was an airburst grenade launcher with programmable ammunition derived from the XM29 OICW.
XM25反防禦目標應對系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XM25反防禦目標應對系統 (英語: XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System,簡稱:CDTE) [1],前稱: XM25單兵半自動空爆系統 (英語: XM25 Individual Semiautomatic Air Burst System),也被稱為「懲罰者」(英語: The Punisher),是由 XM29 OICW 衍生出來的空爆 榴彈發射器。 它曾於2010年列裝在 阿富汗戰爭 中服役的 美國陸軍 士兵 [2],並原先打算於2015年末期正式投入 服役 [3],然而因發生故障和削減 計劃 預算 等問題而導致其服役推遲 …
爆破反恐武器之美国XM25反防御目标应对系统 - 网易
2020年3月31日 · xm25反防御目标应对系统发射25毫米电子引信榴弹,这种榴弹被设计为当接近目标时在半空中引爆。 武器上的激光测距仪具有确定目标距离的作用,用户能够手动设定引爆距离,而武器本体则会自动把引爆距离传送到膛室内的榴弹,榴弹在发射后便会以自转圈数 ...
XM25 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The XM25 is a magazine-fed semiautomatic grenade launcher with a 4 round magazine. Its main feature is the use of "smart" airbursting grenade rounds developed from the OICW program, which are designed to have greater lethality against troops in cover.
MILITARY TECHNOLOGY: Enforce Tac 2015: XM25 Counter Defilade …
2015年3月4日 · The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, the US Army latest weapon, is designed to address the problem of defeating enemies behind cover and exposed targets at ranges and accuracies today's small arms cannot deal with.
2024年11月19日 · xm25也被称为“惩罚者”,它源自上世纪90年代开始研制的早期下一代步兵武器计划,称为“理想步兵作战武器(oicw)”。 美军士兵操作XM25“惩罚者”原型。
XM25榴弹发射器—发展(弹药部分) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年10月31日 · 考虑到现役40mm榴弹的弹道曲率很大,精度较差,射失概率比XM25大得多。 因此高速+空爆能有效提升命中率,进而弹药效率。 当需要空爆时,先由XM104识别距离,士兵根据实际战场情况(例如掩体位置、目标分布)手动微调引爆距离。
U.S. M25 & XM25 SNIPER WEAPON SYSTEM - Sniper Central
2020年4月3日 · The M25/XM25 is a joint venture sniper rifle, was built for both the US Army Special Forces and the US Navy SEALs in the late 1980’s. It was originally developed by the 10th Special Forces Group (SFG) based at Ft. Devens in response to a requirement for a match grade M14 for Special Forces sniper teams.
XM25空爆弹发射器详解 - 百家号
2023年10月19日 · xm25空爆弹发射器是一种先进的个人武器系统,由美国陆军于2010年开始采用。 它以XM29和XM8为原型,采用了突击步枪和榴弹发射器两部分组成,口径分别为5.56毫米和25毫米。
XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The XM25 Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS), also known as the Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, and perviously referred to as the Air-Burst Assault Weapon or...
XM25: Why the Army Passed on the ‘Punisher’ ‘Gun’ - 19FortyFive
2023年5月26日 · Developed by Alliant Techsystems and Heckler & Koch under the Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) program for the Army, the XM25 System was meant to provide a soldier with a revolutionary weapon platform that could provide increased lethality and range using 25mm programmable ammunition.
More Information Revealed on XM25 Combat Engagements
Following up on recent program overviews, U.S. Army representatives have provided expanded information on the Forward Operational Assessment (FOA) recently conducted in Afghanistan with five prototype XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) systems [now Individual Semi-Automatic Airburst System (ISAAS)].
XM-25/uns S45000/Cistom450高温合金成分性能介绍 - 脉脉
2024年9月9日 · Cistom450 (XM-25)不锈钢,美国非标准沉淀硬化型不锈钢。 注:① 本行中XM牌号,是该表所列合金的ASTM牌号。 圆括弧内的型号,是已作废的AISI牌号;②单一数值除非另有说明者外均为zui高值;③zui高值为1.00%;④公称成分;没有可用的成分范围;⑤zui高值为0.50%;⑥zui高值为0.75%;⑦zui高值为0.80%。 声明:本文内容由脉脉用户自发贡献,部分内容可能整编自互联网,版权归原作者所有,脉脉不拥有其著作权,亦不承担相应法律责任。 …
ASTM A693 Grade XM-25 Solution-Treated - BBN Structural steel
Equivalent material: DIN 1.4594, AFNOR Z7CNU15-05, EN X5CrNiMoCuNb14-5, EN 1.4594, ASTM 14-5PH, UNS S45000, UNS S15500. Our steel embodies these qualities to deliver exceptional results.
XM-25(UNS N09925)是一种可硬化的镍基合金,添加了钼,铜,钛和铝。 925合金具有与825合金相当的耐腐蚀性,但通过时效硬化获得更高的强度。 镍和铬的组合在氧化和还原气氛中都具有保护作用。 高镍含量还可以抵抗氯离子应力腐蚀开裂。 点蚀和缝隙耐腐蚀性也很好。 XM-25(N08925)镍基合金中的Cr含量通常为19.5-23.50%,镍含量为42.0-26.0%。 XM-25(N08925)合金是一种含钼和铜的镍基合金,具有很好的热加工及冷加工性能。 中文 …
XM-25/1.4594/X5CrNiMoCuNb14-5/S45000/XM-25 - 荣刚材料
具有相当於304的非常好的耐腐蚀性,和类似410的强度,有良好的焊接性。 时效硬化处理可提高强度,并具有良好的延展性和韧性。 Max. 32 max.
XM-25, UNS S45000, 1.4594, X5CrNiMoCuNb14-5, Custom 450, …
2024年10月10日 · Alloy C450, XM-25 martensitic age-hardenable stainless steel which exhibits very good corrosion resistance with strength. XM-25 alloy has a yield strength somewhat greater than 689 MPa in the annealed condition. A single-step aging treatment develops higher strength with good ductility and toughness.
XM-25 Stainless Steel Round Bar - jmhnickel.com
XM-25 stainless steel is a maraging age hardening stainless steel with very good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. A single-step aging treatment produces higher strength and good ductility and toughness. Typically supplied in an annealed condition, many applications do not require user heat treatment.
IMMERSIO™ XM25 Immersion-Cooled Battery System Active Thermal Runaway Suppression .Immersion cooling technology to suppress thermal runaway. .ASM and MSD for active safety protection and manual operating safety. Industry Certi˜ed .UN38.3 / ECE R100 Certi˜ed. .BMS ISO 26262 / ECE R10 compliance / IEC 62619.
XM-25 Chemical Composition, XM-25 Mechanical Properties, XM-25 …
It mainly introduce the chemical composition,mechanical properties, heat treatment, processing performance and performance standards about XM-25.For various specification of steel production and processing to provide the standard production,we have the professional experience for XM-25.We can also produce it according to the AISI, UNS, SAE, ASTM, DIN, JIS technical standard.
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