Army finally picks an optic for Next Generation Squad Weapon
2022年1月7日 · An estimated 250,000 optics will be delivered over the next decade to close combat troops.
Vortex Optics' New Military Scope - Firearms News
2022年5月11日 · The scope isn’t just giving you the data, it is compensating for it automatically, doing it automatically—press a button, and the scope ranges to target, does all the calculations, and pops up an illuminated digital aimpoint in your field of …
Soldiers Give the Army's New Rifle Optic Low Ratings
2025年2月4日 · Soldiers graded the XM157 Fire Control smart scope for the Army's Next Generation Squad Weapon rifles as "below average/failing," according to a new assessment from the Defense Department's top...
XM7 rifle - Wikipedia
The XM7, previously designated as the XM5, is the U.S. Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear, a 6.8×51mm (.277 in), gas-operated, magazine -fed assault rifle [1] designed by SIG Sauer for the Next Generation Squad Weapon program in 2022 to replace the M4 carbine.
The Army Has Finally Fielded Its Next Generation Squad Weapons
2024年3月29日 · Produced by firearm maker Sig Sauer, the XM7 is intended to replace the M4 carbine in close combat formations, while the XM250 will replace the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, or SAW. Both new...
Vortex Optics XM157 Overview: NGSW-FC - GunsAmerica.com
2023年5月6日 · The XM157 is what many call a “smart scope” due to its integration of a digital display overlay, laser range finder, ballistics calculator, atmospheric sensors, compass, visible and infrared aiming lasers, and Intra-Soldier Wireless.
XM7突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2024年6月15日 · XM7 (前称: XM5)是 SIG MCX Spear突击步枪 的 美国陆军 衍生型,发射.277 Fury (英语:.277 Fury) (6.8×51毫米)口径子弹 [1][8]。
XM7突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XM7 (前稱: XM5)是 SIG MCX Spear突擊步槍 的 美國陸軍 衍生型,發射.277 Fury (英语:.277 Fury) (6.8×51毫米)口徑子彈 [1][8]。 它是由 西格&紹爾 (SIG Sauer)於2022年為了參與“ 下一代班用武器計劃 (英语:Next Generation Squad Weapon Program) ”(Next Generation Squad Weapon Program,NGSW)而研發,目的是取代現役的 M4卡賓槍。 XM7具備一條加強的自由浮動 M-LOK 護木 以供用戶安裝各種配件。 2019年1月,美國陸軍展開“下一 …
Featured Content - Vortex Optics
Vortex ® is honored to deliver the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Fire Control (NGSW-FC) to the US Army. This 1-8x30 optic is built around our revolutionary Active Reticle ® technology and is based on many years of research and development. MOOSE HUNTING TIP Well, it's not about moose hunting only, but I wanted to grab your attention.
XM7 Next Generation Squad Weapon | US Military Archive
2025年1月16日 · The 6.8mm offers superior range, stopping power, and accuracy, making it a force multiplier on the battlefield. What truly sets the XM7 apart is its cutting-edge fire control system. This integrated optic system includes an advanced targeting scope, ensuring precision even in low-light or chaotic conditions.