2008年8月29日 · The Spider system is designed to provide perimeter defense and flank protection to the warfighter. As an alternative to persistent APLs, the Spider program was initiated to address humanitarian...
M7 Spider - Wikipedia
The M7 Spider is a networked United States anti-personnel munitions system that provides a secure remote command and control capability of up to 1500 meters for a hand-emplaced munition field.
XM-7“蜘蛛”网络化智能地雷 - 百度百科
XM-7“蜘蛛”网络化智能地雷是一种无线电控制的地雷,由6个子弹药组成,可通过远程控制站进行指挥和控制,有效范围达1500米,包含一个远程控制站、一个或多个中继器以及多个弹药控制单元,每个弹药控制单元可连接六个手雷,形成一个全方位的防御网络。 美国国防部 2009年11月25日报道,2009年11月20日,美国国防部与阿连特技术系统公司和特克斯特朗防务系统公司签署了4100万美元的成本加奖励费用合同,旨在采购70枚XM-7型“蜘蛛”网络化弹药。 [1] “蜘蛛”系统 …
2019年8月22日 · • The Army intends to employ Spider in all environments and in all terrains. • Spider incorporates self-destructing and self-deactivating technologies to reduce residual risks to non-combatants. mission Maneuver or engineer units employ Spider as a contributor to a force protection obstacle or as a standalone force protection
美陆军的战场无人值守监控设备:M7 Spider蜘蛛智能地雷
2018年8月24日 · M7 Spider蜘蛛智能地雷该系统由84个弹药控制单元(MCU)、一个(RCU)远程控制站和一个中继器(延长通信距离)。每个MCU可以连接六个手雷。
Spider XM7 Network Command Munition - studylib.net
• Units can employ Spider in all environments and in all terrains. • Spider incorporates self-destructing and self-deactivating technologies to reduce residual risks to non-combatants after hostilities cease.
Along Came A Spider: The XM-7 RED Mine - Defense Industry Daily
2013年8月27日 · The XM-7 Spider is the successor to the Matrix system deployed in Iraq, and part of the USA’s Non-Self-Destructing Anti-Personnel Landmine Alternatives (NSD-A) program. Spider is more of a “remote explosive device” than a typical lay-and-forget land mine.
2019年8月22日 · Spider is operationally suitable, and remains operationally effective, lethal, and survivable as previously reported based on data from FOT2 and previous testing. Operational effectiveness – a trained unit can employ Spider Increment 1 as a component of a protective obstacle and provide obstacle effects as desired by the commander.
Joint Program Executive Office for Armaments & Ammunition
The M7 Spider Networked Munition is a hand emplaced, remotely controlled, human-in-the-loop (HITL) antipersonnel munition system. Spider provides equivalent munition field...
Spider eliminates the possibility of an unintended detonation through early warning and selective engagement of enemy forces, and has a self-destruct capability. Spider is designed for storage, transport, rough handling, and use in worldwide military environments. SYSTEM INTERDEPENDENCIES)NTHIS0UBLICATION None /THER-AJOR)NTERDEPENDENCIES