XM8 - Battlefield Wiki
The XM8 was an experimental assault rifle produced by German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch for a replacement for the aging M16 / M4. Testing began in 2003, but the project was canceled in 2005. However, HK marketed the rifle worldwide, resulting in its adaption by the Malaysian PASKAL unit in 2010.
XM8 Prototype | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The XM8 Prototype is a weapon featured in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The XM8 Prototype is the first gun the player receives once taking control of Marlowe. Bad Company seems to have adopted it as their primary assault weapon since it is used by …
XM8 LMG - Battlefield Wiki
The XM8 LMG is a light machine gun featured in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It is the 5th light machine gun issued to the Medic kit, requiring 34,000 points to unlock. Its design differs from the XM8 Prototype, as outside of desert maps, it has a black finish instead of a grey-black scheme the XM8 has. It has relatively high accuracy and a high ...
Collectibles part 2 - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Guide - IGN
2014年10月18日 · XM8 S: This is Preston Marlow's default weapon, and should be unlocked once you begin the level the first time. AN 94-R: Collect this weapon from the first patrol of hostiles Bad Company...
武器/武器 - Battlefield Bad Company 2@wiki - atwiki(アット …
2010年3月6日 · アメリカ軍の時期制式アサルトライフル開発プロジェクトによって生まれたフルオートライフルで、他に類を見ない汎用性を有する。 交戦中において迅速な修理と銃身の交換が可能。 [部分編集]
2010年3月1日 · bfbc2,四名职业所对应的主战武器分别为:突击-突击步枪、工程-冲锋枪/卡宾枪、医疗-轻机枪/通用机枪 侦查-手动式狙击步枪/半自动狙击步枪。 BC2霰弹枪取消了职业限制,任何职业都可装备。
XM8 Prototype on Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay - YouTube
2021年12月9日 · XM8 Prototype on Battlefield Bad Company 2 Rush gameplay on the Battlefield 2042 Portal and PS5 !! Support the video by dropping a like and subscribe, if you...
XM8 Compact Master Guide - Bad Company 2 - GameReplays.org
2010年10月2日 · The XM8 Compact is a fantastic sub machine gun and is probably one of the best in the game. With a combination of average recoil, a large magazine and superb iron sights, it is fantastic in many situations. The general rules apply; tap firing at distance, short to medium length bursts at mid-range and automatic for close quarters.
BFBC 2 : XM8 P Gameplay HD - YouTube
me playing some BFBC2 online :)pls rate/comment and subscribe :)for more trailers and gameplay check out my channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/AustrianVGC
XM8 Location BFBC2 - YouTube
2010年9月25日 · XM8 is found in map: High Value Target. Its sited when you are forced out of your humvee. A few dead people surround the Humvees, they have it just look arou...
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