Question about XM8 PCAPS and ISM | HKPRO Forums
2010年11月17日 · The PCAP's were developed by HK GmbH for the XM8 to provide quick attach/release and return to zero. The idea was mine based on the proven mounting interface used on various HK hunting rifles with the "O5" mount.
XM8突擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
一把XM8卡賓型原型槍,可留意到此槍在側面導軌中缺乏PCAP系統,其採用的消焰器為開放的「鴨嘴」形,而非「鳥籠」型。 XM8 是一套由 美軍 於1990年代末到2000年初開展的輕型突擊步槍系統。 該槍由 德國 槍械製造商 黑克勒-科赫 (Heckler & Koch,簡稱:H&K)所設計,它保留了部份 HK G36突擊步槍 的設計和內部結構,原先是 理想單兵作戰武器 (英語:Objective Individual Combat Weapon) (Objective Individual Combat Weapon Program,簡稱:OICW)的步槍 …
轻武器科普之XM8突击步枪 (最终章) - 哔哩哔哩
XM8-R的R是“导轨”Rail的缩写。 虽然XM8-R计划采用更先进的PCAP接口,但为了参与竞争USSOCOM的SCAR项目,因而生产了这种导轨型的XM8-R。 按照HK公司的说法,他们在接到USSOCOM的要求后,只花了5天时间就完成了SCAR-L的样枪。 不过SCAR项目最终选中 …
417 differance from MR308 | HKPRO Forums
2012年2月12日 · The XM8 PCAP's were holes not platforms like found here. The PCAPs worked on the same lines as the HK 05 hunting rifle mounts where the mount "feet" opened up inside the mounting hole. I called them negative mounting features because unlike most other mounting interface PCAP's did not had weight or material to the rifle/part but is fact reduced it.
Heckler & Koch XM8 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
Early XM8 prototypes resemble mix-and-match G36 rifles, and feature Picatinny top rails. Spiral 1 XM8 models have the distinctive stylized curved receiver and no Picatinny rails. Instead, they have 2 PCAP holes on their handguard. Spiral 2 XM8 models are …
HK XM8 | HKPRO Forums
2013年6月18日 · XM8 was cancelled in 2005, mostly due to the lack of a requirement, lack of DA and political support and the normal dysfunction in the Army ordnance system. You are likely seeing reports that XM8 tested well against M4, HK416 and SCAR L in APG Dust Tests (smoked them in fact) or that the XM8 had a 25mm grenade launcher which has continued on as ...
GitHub - automayt/ICS-pcap: A collection of ICS/SCADA PCAPs
This is a collection of PCAPs (or additional notes where PCAPs are still needed) for ICS/SCADA utilities and protocols. How do I get it? First, make sure that your git is updated. Second, you'll …
Multiple PCAP (Picatinny Combat Attachment Points) positions on hand guard and receiver to allow optimum rear to front positioning of accessories. MIL STD 1913 rail adapters planned to allow use of older legacy accessories. Flush PCAP provide 100% boresight retention for the targeting devices mounted on receiver.
Lost Dogs - Upgraded TM FAMAS and SRC XM8, ready to go!
2018年8月10日 · Not pictured is an original TM FAMAS Scope mount. The Famas has always had a soft spot for me, in my opinion it is the ultimate in ergonomics and comfort. I bought it as …
美国XM8轻型坦克发展史——失败的胜利者 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年12月28日 · 2004年,联合防务和美国陆军合作在XM8上测试应用了电热化学炮 (ETC)和电热点火脉冲电源 (ETIPPS)技术,该项目仅建造了一辆原型车,被命名为XM8 闪电(Lightning Bolt)。