Heckler & Koch XM8 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch XM8 is a lightweight assault rifle system developed from the late 1990s to early 2000s. The rifle was designed by German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch (H&K), and shares design and engineering with their G36 rifle.
What Happened to the HK XM8? - Pew Pew Tactical
2022年12月3日 · The XM8 featured some fairly advanced features, including an integrated red dot/IR laser produced by Insight and a rail system known as PCAP. PCAP stands for Picatinny Combat Attachment Points. This system allowed soldiers to place the rails right where they needed them. It’s a modular rail that predates M-LOK and Keymod.
XM8突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
XM8為一款發射5.56×45mm NATO小口徑步槍彈的擊發調變式 突擊步槍。 它以 短行程活塞導氣式 和 轉拴式槍栓 運作,性能和內部結構跟HK G36接近, 槍托 為伸縮式設計,供彈具也是跟G36一樣的半透明彈匣,並能夠把多個連接在一起以方便換子彈。
XM8轻型突击步枪 - 百度百科
xm8本质上是xm29的5.56mm步枪部分,通过模块化组合使它成为单个机构,并可以根据不同的任务需要和作战地域,转换成不同的枪型或发射不同口径的弹药。由于采用了xm29的 先进技术 ,xm8的基本型( 卡宾枪 型)重量将比m4/m4a1轻20%。
导轨整合系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
燕尾式导轨 ( 英语 : Dovetail rail ) :滑动式安装导轨系统,系统无固定的安装格或安装孔,仅以安装夹具夹紧以固定,同时亦无统一标准 [1] 。另外用于手枪上,可滑动调整并以磨擦力固定的照门/准星横向安装槽亦可称为燕尾式导轨
轻武器科普之XM8突击步枪(最终章) - 哔哩哔哩
xm8-r——scar竞争样型 XM8-R的R是“导轨”Rail的缩写。 虽然XM8-R计划采用更先进的PCAP接口,但为了参与竞争USSOCOM的SCAR项目,因而生产了这种导轨型的XM8-R。
Heckler & Koch XM8 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Heckler & Koch XM8 is a modular assault rifle system designed by Heckler & Koch. Originally conceived as the assault rifle portion of the XM29 OICW, the XM8 was designed in 2002 as a possible replacement for the M4 carbine and M16 rifle series and is heavily based on Heckler & Koch's G36 rifle series. The XM8 is designed to be highly ...
导轨大战 | 谁将代替皮卡汀尼导轨?KeyMod还是M-LOK?
2017年5月31日 · 细心的人可能会发现,xm8并没有皮轨,一款为美军研发的步枪没有皮轨是非常不正常的,那它是怎么装附件的呢? 红圈内就是PCAP接口,护木一侧各有4个,护木底部也有4个
導軌整合系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
燕尾式導軌 ( 英语 : Dovetail rail ) :滑動式安裝導軌系統,系統無固定的安裝格或安裝孔,僅以安裝夾具夾緊以固定,同時亦無統一標準 [1] 。另外用於手槍上,可滑動調整並以磨擦力固定的照門/準星橫向安裝槽亦可稱為燕尾式導軌
Heckler & Koch XM-8 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Top of the receiver is fitted with proprietary sight rail, which can accept illuminated red-dot (collimator) sight, or any other type of sighting equipment. Detachable forend will be available in various sizes, and could be replaced with XM320 40mm …