M8 armored gun system - Wikipedia
The M8 armored gun system (AGS), sometimes known as the Buford, is an American light tank that was intended to replace the M551 Sheridan and TOW missile -armed Humvees in the …
M8裝甲火砲系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M8装甲火炮系统 (英語: M8 Armored Gun System,缩写 M8 AGS)是一款由美国 联合防务公司 (英语:United Defense) 开发的 轻型坦克,原本用于取代美军 第82空降师 的 M551谢里 …
2022年7月3日 · 1992年6月,美国陆军选中了FMC公司的CCVL (轻型近战战车)方案,改称XM8“布福德”轻型装甲火炮系统(AGS),是以南北战争葛底斯堡战役中北军骑兵准将约翰·布福德准 …
Army Guide
Designed for C-130 low-velocity air drop and roll-on/roll-off, the M8 Armored Gun System (AGS) can be flown with rapid deployment forces to troubled "hot spots" around the globe. The …
XM8 | War Thunder Wiki
Turret Rotation Speed basic crew → acesHorizontal 63 → 90 °/s
XM8 / M8 Armored Gun System (AGS) (Close Combat Vehicle - Light)
2018年9月28日 · As a 105mm caliber weapon, the XM8 would have had enough hitting power to tackle armored targets save for the latest generation of heavily armored main battle tanks. …
坦克科普:M8-AGS - 哔哩哔哩
M8装甲火炮系统(英语:M8 Armored Gun System,缩写M8 AGS)是一款由美国联合防务公司开发的轻型坦克,原本用于取代美军第82空降师的M551谢里登轻型坦克,还有望取代第二装甲 …
M8 Armored Gun System | Military Wiki | Fandom
The United Defense M8 Armored Gun System was a light tank that was intended to replace the M551 Sheridan in the 82nd Airborne Division, as well as being expected to replace TOW …
M8装甲火炮系统 - 百度百科
M8装甲火炮系统,采用常规 炮塔 式结构,实际上是一种 轻型坦克。 具有一级防护水平时为18.05吨,二级防护水平时为20.4吨,三级防护水平时为23.6吨。 由于采用了 自动装弹机,战 …
M8 Buford Armored Gun System
The FMC XM8 was designed to combine a tank's firepower with a highly mobile, air-droppable vehicle. AGS was intended to be the Army's new combat vehicle, but in the form of a highly …
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