PS3 - Pixel Art w/ custom imagefont.bin (By DeViL303) for XMB & Pixel …
2021年2月7日 · So now using these we can create simple pixel art images to display on the XMB in various places such as XMBML titles and info strings, system notifications, PARAM.SFOs, …
PS3 - Create Pixel Art using a custom imagefont.bin and a new …
2016年1月23日 · So now using these we can create simple pixel art images to display on the XMB in various places such as XMBML titles and info strings, system notifications, …
PS3 - [Research] XMB Icons resolution and scaling - PSX-Place
2014年12月31日 · You could try to make the images with 2 transparent pixels at top and bottom (to achieve a gap of 4 pixels), when i was calculating all this i though 4 pixels could be excesive
GitHub - advokaten/XMB-Themes-pixel
This module will install the pixel theme for RetroArch XMB UI. How to enable XMB from within RetroArch: Settings —> Driver —> Menu Driver -> change "rgui" to "xmb"
Download “Pixel XMB Theme” pixels.p3t – Downloaded 4160 times – 649.36 KB Download “Nature XMB Theme” nature.p3t – Downloaded 3993 times – 1.44 MB PSN Profile
PSX/PS2 Covers : r/ps3hacks - Reddit
2021年8月10日 · Is it possible that the covers need to be smaller for the XMB? Currently PSX covers are 640 x 640 pixels. And PS2 is, 800 x 1131 pixels. I have a feeling that the problem is …
Custom XMB Pixelart Theme : r/RetroArch - Reddit
2022年10月24日 · /r/RetroArch is a subreddit dedicated to RetroArch and the libretro API framework. Post setup guides, questions and news here! Love the icons. Are you going to be …
Pixel art style custom XMB background : r/RetroArch - Reddit
2021年1月9日 · I did it with RetroArch on PC, just because it's the easy way I know to take screenshot for reference and showcase. But the background should line up with RetroArch …
XMB - PS3 Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
2024年11月12日 · The XMB by default changes its color depending on the current month of the year and brightness depending on the time of the day (only in original and classic Themes). …
PS3 Covers Aspect Ratio Request #851 - GitHub
In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7Sks7vit58 the guy shows how to get the images and add transparent padding to the sides which fixes the aspect ratio that displays on the XMB …