When and Why is XML preferable to CSV? - Stack Overflow
2013年4月22日 · The XML file was 840MB, the CSV 34MB -- a 2,500% difference Compressed, the XML file was 2.5MB, the CSV 0.00015MB (150KB) -- a 1,670% difference. Equally dramatic is the time it took to uncompress and render the files as an Excel spreadsheet: It took about 20 minutes with the XML file; the CSV took 1 minute -- a 2,000% difference."
CSV Vs XML, Which one is efficient to store data
2016年4月24日 · CSV is a lot more compact than XML, but XML is much more flexible than CSV. If your data is at all complex (eg, if it has a column that can contain an arbitrary number of items), go with XML. But you should also consider the JSON and YAML formats. Both are reasonably space-efficient, and both have a lot of flexibility for handling complex data.
XML vs comma delimited text files - Stack Overflow
2009年7月17日 · Among the reasons you may prefer XML over CSV (depends on the task at hand of course): * Almost all platforms and languages have existing libraries for reading, writing, parsing, and manipulating XML. * XML has well-defined rules for encoding all characters. CSV has ambiguities such as how to encode commas that are part of the data.
What are the relative merits of CSV, JSON and XML for a REST API?
There's a fairly intense discussion going on about the relative merits of CSV, JSON and XML. Basically, the crux of the argument is whether we should support CSV at all because of the lack of recursion (i.e. having a document which has multiple authors and multiple references would require multiple API calls to obtain all the information).
What are the benefits of using XML over CSV files in regards to …
2021年8月5日 · wc -m data.xml wc -m data.csv 430 data.xml 218 data.csv As we can see above, when using CSV, 212 fewer characters are used. It is clear that fewer disk usage is an advantage of CSV files. The question. What are some benefits of …
XML, JSON, YAML, or CSV for storing articles on server?
XML vs JSON vs YAML vs CSV. Here are some considerations you might use to guide your decision: Choose XML if. You have to represent mixed content (tags mixed within text). [This would appear to be a major concern in your case. You might even consider HTML for this reason.] There's already an industry standard XSD to follow.
Odoo Security: Understanding security.xml vs. ir.model.access.csv
2024年7月25日 · Understanding security.xml and ir.model.access.csv in Odoo Answer by Usman Ghias Introduction. Odoo provides two primary mechanisms for managing security and access control: security.xml and ir.model.access.csv. While they might seem similar at first glance, they serve distinct purposes and have different implications for your Odoo application ...
php - To use CSV or XML for data imports? - Stack Overflow
2011年9月23日 · I think CSV and XML have different purposes : for storing raw tables data, csv is a quite exact representation of a table (that's it : columns and rows). So it is easy to manipulate, but does not allow you to reproduce relationships, which might be …
Reading XML vs reading CSV file java - Stack Overflow
2012年1月18日 · The advantage of the XML file is that you can put more stress to data validation (when using XSD for XML structure definition), i.e. testing the values for correctness when reading the file. Also one can edit the XML file without any further explanations as the XML element names (and possible comments) say more than semi-colons in the CSV file.
CSV vs XML parsing speed Python - Stack Overflow
2013年3月20日 · CSV vs XML parsing speed Python. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 11 months ago. Modified 11 years, 11 months ago.