API Reference — XMPP 0.1.10 documentation - Read the Docs
API Reference ¶ class xmpp.networking.XMPPConnection(host, port=5222, debug=False, auto_reconnect=False, queue_class=<class Queue.Queue>, hwm_in=256, hwm_out=256, recv_chunk_size=65536) [source] ¶ Event-based TCP/TLS connection. It buffers up received messages and also the messages to be sent.
XMPP | The universal messaging standard
2 天之前 · XMPP powers emerging technologies like IoT, WebRTC, Instant Messaging, Online Gaming, and Realtime Social.
即时通讯协议的选型之XMPP - 知乎
XMPP是一种基于XML的协议,它继承了在XML环境中灵活的发展性。 因此,基于XMPP的应用具有超强的可扩展性。 经过扩展以后的XMPP可以通过发送扩展的信息来处理用户的需求,以及在XMPP的顶端建立如内容发布系统和基于地址的服务等应用程序。
Let’s start by creating a simple TCP connection to a XMPP server. The XMPP toolkit provides the XMPPConnection that performs all the TCP socket management and exposes simple events. Notice the debug=True in the connection creation, that tells the lib to print the traffic in the stderr, this can be useful for debugging your application.
揭秘XMPP在Android上的高效应用:从API入门到实战技巧 - 云原 …
2025年2月13日 · 本文将深入探讨XMPP在Android上的应用,从API入门到实战技巧,帮助开发者更好地利用XMPP实现高效的即时通信功能。 XMPP是一种开放标准,旨在实现即时通信。 它允许用户在不同的客户端和服务器之间进行消息交换。 XMPP协议的核心是XML语言,这使得它具有高度的可扩展性和灵活性。 开放标准:XMPP是开源的,遵循开放标准,易于实现和集成。 跨平台:XMPP支持多种平台,包括Android、iOS、Windows等。 安全性:XMPP支持加密通信,确 …
ejabberd Rest API
ejabberd comes with a powerful API serving two goals: Manage the XMPP service and integrate the platform with back-end platforms and script tools. Allow users to perform tasks via the client, allowing simple basic clients that do not need to use XMPP protocol.
XEP-0432: Simple JSON Messaging - XMPP
2022年4月12日 · In order to satisfy the goals of this protocol, client library developers are encouraged to provide a simple to use API for this protocol. Developers are encouraged to use terms such as "JSON Message" in their API calls and documentation.
使用Smack 4.1.6和jxmpp实现XMPP协议的全面指南 - CSDN博客
Smack是一个提供方便API的开源Java库,用于实现XMPP协议。 本指南将探讨Smack 4.1.6版本,介绍其核心和扩展功能,并解析与jxmpp库配合使用所需的jar包。
XMPP Support :: Spring Integration
Spring Integration’s XMPP support is based on the Smack 4.0 API (www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/), which allows more complex configuration of the XMPP Connection object.
GitHub - moparisthebest/xmpp-api: Android XMPP API library
The Xmpp API provides methods to execute Xmpp operations, such as send message, receive message, and more without user interaction from background threads. This is done by …