XMPP_XMPP 架构_XMPP 功能 — 亚马逊云科技
XMPP 即可扩展通讯和表示协议(EXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol),是一种基于可扩展标记语言的近端串流式即时通信协议。 它通过将现场和上下文敏感信息标记嵌入到 XML 结构化数据中, 使得人与人之间、应用系统之间以及人与应用系统之间能即时相互通信。 XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) 是一种基于 XML 的开放式即时通讯协议。 其架构与其他应用层协议架构有许多相似之处。 在中: 具有唯一标识符(JID)的客户端可以通过 …
XMPP Server on EC2 Amazon Web Service (AWS) - Stack Overflow
2013年9月5日 · My company uses OpenFire for server-side and smack for client-side in its XMPP Android application. AWS seems like a good and scalable service for what we need. We use it for testing our app, but I'm afraid that the server will crash with 20k-50k users. I have 2 questions: Is AWS good enough for an XMPP (OpenFire) server? What are the pros and ...
Host your Application in the Amazon Cloud with XAMPP and …
Over the next few pages, I’ll walk you, step by step, through the process of deploying a PHP/MySQL application running on your local XAMPP server, to a cloud server running LAMP packaged by Bitnami. Keep reading! Before we begin, a few quick assumptions. This tutorial assumes that you have a XAMPP installation with a working PHP/MySQL application.
amazon ec2 - How to setup XMPP on EC2 - Stack Overflow
2012年12月2日 · Very simple setup and configuration, and it has a great admin interface. Also several plugins are available, (MSN gateway for instance). Their Spark client is also very good, but you could use any client that supports XMPP. The installation is plain and simple, and the Ignite realtime site has all the documentation you need.
Announce: easy setup of a modern XMPP server - Reddit
2021年5月9日 · Setting up DNS is key to getting XMPP working correctly, though. The other thing you require is a Debian 10 host on a public IP- you don't need AWS for that. I'm doing my tests on a small local cloud provider that is not AWS (mostly because AWS closest region is a …
XAMPP Server on Windows 2019 + Apache Web Server + MariaDB …
Perfect solution for setting up a web server. Great alternative to WAMP or LAMP. XAMPP makes it easy for developers to build applications and also to install many of the applications that are available via XAMPP click install, for example Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Moodle, Magento & many more applications.
deploy openfire xmpp in aws elastic beanstack - Stack Overflow
2014年3月28日 · How to deploy openfire xmpp in aws elastic beanstack? You can create a custom AMI and install openfire there, then create your Beanstalk with this AMI. You can install it your existing beanstalk environment. need to login to ur aws environment/instance using putty. sh openfire start. (Start the openfire)
android - EC2 亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) 上的 XMPP 服务器_Stack …
AWS 对于 XMPP (OpenFire) 服务器是否足够好? 优缺点都有什么? 我如何构建这样一个至少可以处理 20k 在线用户的应用程序,比如说 2k 打开的聊天室? 这种东西有什么具体的教程吗?
Amazon EC2 Setup with Ubuntu and XAMPP Installation
2019年11月7日 · Host website with PHP + MySQL. First of all, log in your Aws account. Aws log in ( link ) After Amazon console login you find the following screen, select EC2 from Compute category. Click...
Xmpp Chat Backend Deployment on AWS - Stack Problems
2017年7月2日 · Today we will deploy an open source chat backend called EJABBERD, it is one of the best scalable chat backends. 1. Setup AWS VM. -> Launch an EC2 instance in the desired configuration. In order to stay within my Free Tier, I chose the smallest available configuration using EBS and running Amazon’s custom Linux image.