The Corning® ClearCurve® Single-mode bend insensitive family of fibers now includes higher temperature capability. For use at temperatures up to 180°C and beyond, these acrylate-based fibers deliver the best macro bend performance in the industry with ease of use and handling; benefiting sensing systems operating in harsh environments.
The Corning ® ClearCurve multimode bend insensitive fiber now includes even higher temperature and higher bandwidth capability. For use at temperatures up to 180°C and beyond, this acrylate-based fiber delivers incredible macro bend
XMT | Bridging the Future
XMT Technologies Sdn Bhd (XMT) is a provider of telco fiber infrastructure and managed network services. Our metro fiber networks providing multiple routes to ensure seamless traffic flow connecting major business district area and Data Centre hubs nationally.
Specialty Fiber | OEM Optical Communication Solutions - Corning
Corning provides specialty optical fibers and glass polarizers for the telecommunications, sensing, industrial, and medical industries.
SM Fiber, 1290-1625nm, bend insensitive, SMBI-5-XMT
Corning’s patented ClearCurve® technology gives the fiber an ultra-low bend loss performance. Created with tighter geometrical and mechanical specifications, this fiber enables consistent, reliable, and low loss splicing. ClearCurve® Photonic fiber was developed with an optical profile ideal for making couplers.
Fiber Optic Feedthroughs | Optical Fiber Packaging (OFP) - ofpgco
SMF, ZBL, MMF fibers with HMT/XMT, PI coatings . Typical fiber count: 1, 3, 4, 6 and 8 . Max IL of 0.25 dB IL and no ORL penalty. Mountings typically Swagelok, HiP fitting, or C-ring. Uniquely available for both single and dual direction operation. Custom sizes, channel counts, opto-electrical hybrids and flange options
Single-mode fibers – fionec GmbH
Single-mode fibers – also known as mono-mode fibers – are primarily used for applications that require signals to be transmitted over long distances with minimum loss. Single-mode fibers have a smaller core than multi-mode fibers so that the light is only able to propagate in one mode.
Corning® ClearCurve® Single-Mode Mid-Temperature Specialty …
For use at temperatures up to 180 °C and beyond, these acrylate-based fibers deliver the best macro bend performance in the industry with ease of use and handling; benefiting sensing systems operating in harsh environments.
MicroCare Sticklers CleanStixx XMT MTRJ MPO MT QSFP ... - Fiber …
The XMT version of the Sticklers™ CleanStixx™ is an MPO fiber cleaner engineered for connectors with larger connectors and lenses, such as MPO, OptiTap-style drops and multiports, MT38999, MTRJ, QSFP+, and other MT-based transceivers, and most MT-based backplane connector systems.
HI Fiber, 980-1550nm, bend insensitive, 100 kpsi, HI 1060 FLEX
The ClearCurve single mode fiber series includes the SMBI-5-XMT fiber with mid-temperature acrylate coating as well as the SMBIH-5-XMT fiber with mid-temperature acrylate coating and an additional hermetic layer.