Naim launches XP5 XS power supply aimed at Naim DAC and NDX
2011年12月7日 · Naim has announced a new £1595 power supply, the XP5 XS, promising a significant upgrade to the Naim DAC, NDX network player, CDX, HDX and more. The XP5 XS uses a custom designed 400VA toroidal transformer housed within the familiar slimline XS series, non-magnetic case.
With such a wide range of compatibility, the XP5 XS can act as a cost-effective upgrade path for products throughout the Naim range. The XP5 XS features the “slimline” XS style enclosure constructed from aluminium extrusions and high pressure die-castings with a fine brushed anodised front panel finish.
Naim AudioXP5 XS Power Supply (Made In England) – CMY
The XP5 XS features the “slimline” XS style enclosure constructed from aluminium extrusions and high pressure die-castings with a fine brushed anodised front panel finish. Internally the XP5 XS incorporates a massive 250VA transformer, tantalum output capacitors, low capacitance ceramic heat sinks and large smoothing capacitors.
XP5 XS Power Supply – www.basilaudio.com
The XP5 XS evolved to partner the ND5 XS network player. Its slimline XS Series enclosure, solidly constructed from aluminium extrusions and a brushed and anodised front panel, makes it a fine visual match for its partner. However, as with Naim’s other power supplies, it can also be used to upgrade other components in the Naim Audio range.
Upgrade ND5 XS, with Naim DAC or XP5 XS? - Naim Audio
2018年7月6日 · I own an ND5 XS that I am very happy with. If I could only add one upgrade to it, either the Naim DAC or the XP5 XS power supply; which one would make the biggest improvement in sound?
New Naim XP5 XS Power Supply! - WHETSTONE AUDIO
Naim has announced the addition of a new multi-rail, slimline power supply in its XS Series: the XP5 XS. The XP5 XS, which comes complete with Naim’s Burndy interconnect, is the ideal partner for extracting even greater performance from the ND5 XS network player and Naim DAC.
Naim(네임) XP5 XS (파워서플라이) – AV 플라자
DIN 단자로 그 독특성이 널리 알려진 Naim Audio사는 1973년에 설립된 종합 오디오 메이커이다.이 Naim Audio사는 전원부의 중요성을 무척 강조하여 완벽한 전원 분리를 원칙으로 설계가 이루어진다.일반적으로 저가형 형태 일부를 제외하고는 플랫캡이라는 파워 ...
Naim Acoustics XP5 XS External Power Supply - The Music Room
"The XP5 XS is a very high performance multi-rail power supply that borrows significantly from the Classic Series XPS. In addition to its application to the ND5 XS, the XP5 XS is able to power the CDS, CDX and CDX2 CD players, the HDX hard disk player, the NDX network player and the DAC digital to analogue converter.
Naim Audio XP5 XS Power Supply for DAC/CD/HDX with 11-pin
Naim Audio has announced the addition of a new multi-rail, slimline power supply in its XS Series: the XP5 XS. The XP5 XS, which comes complete with Naim Audio's Burndy interconnect, is the ideal partner for extracting even greater performance from …
NAIM DAC & alimentation XP5 XS - Audiophile Fr
2023年9月15日 · Partenaire idéal des sources NAIM, et plus particulièrement du lecteur réseau NAIM ND 5 XS, ce DAC nous offre une autre facette de la musique numérique. Les points de convergence avec la musique analogique sont nombreux, et on retiendra en premier lieu sa douceur et sa précision.