Dell XPS 700 review: Dell XPS 700 - CNET
2006年7月14日 · Dell's XPS 700 high-end desktop lives up to our expectations and delivers a polished, powerful, cutting-edge gaming PC. We still have a few issues, but nothing deal-killing …
Dell XPS 700 review: Dell XPS 700 - CNET
2006年5月31日 · The XPS 700 is Dell's attempt to regain credibility as a maker of high-end gaming desktops. Based on our review of the highest-end model, Dell has mostly succeeded.
适用于XPS 700 Jet Black的支持 | 手册和文档 | Dell 中国
2013年3月12日 · XPS 700 Jet Black 装置图 查找相关指南,了解您的产品、系统规格、工具、设置选项和故障处理提示等内容 更新 三月 12, 2013
Support for XPS 700 Jet Black | Search All Resources | Dell US
XPS 700 Jet Black Owner's Manual Owner's Manual. Manuals & Documents XPS 700 Jet Black Setup Diagram Administrator Guide. Manuals & Documents XPS 700 Jet Black Service …
Support for XPS 700 Jet Black | Overview | Dell US
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Dell XPS 700 Specification - XPS 700 Computer Specs
The XPS 700 is designed for users who require maximum performance in a mainstream Computer. Even with its form factor design, the XPS 700 doesn't skimp on performance …
Dell XPS 700 - Review 2010 - PCMag UK
2010年11月18日 · The Dell XPS 700 ($3,700 direct, $4,760 with 24-inch LCD widescreen monitor and 5.1 speakers) replaces the XPS 600 as Dell's flagship gaming desktop and, on the …
Dell XPS 700 review - TechRadar
2007年1月25日 · Like all Dell desktops, the XPS 700 is entirely configurable through the Dell website, so you can make it as pokey - or as pikey - as you like. The sample unit we received …
Dell XPS 700 - reviewed, dissected - bit-tech.net
2006年9月4日 · In this world exclusive review, we take a look at the Dell XPS 700 - Dell's first machine designed for hardcore gamers. We examine the radical new chassis, check out the …
Ravatherm XPS 700 SL zártcellás polisztirol 50mm (XPS)
Zártcellás polisztirol hőszigetelés, sima felülettel, lépcsős élképzéssel, melyet elhanyagolható nedvességfelvétel, nagy szilárdság és merevség, mérettartóság, korhadásállóság jellemez.