JACKODUR® Atlas floor slab insulation system.
JACKODUR® Atlas – made from extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) – is a sophisticated, efficient thermal insulation and formwork system for base plates. The product's innovative feature is the new, economical interconnection system which makes it possible to install base plate insulation without thermal bridges for all types of buildings.
Jackodur® Atlas | BEWI
Jackodur® Atlas – made of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) – is an intelligent, efficient thermal insulation and formwork system for floor slabs. The innovation part is the new, economical interlocking system, which provides thermal bridge-free insulation in all types of buildings.
Thermal insulation with the use of extruded polystyrene (XPS) - thermal insulation thickness from 20 up to 200 mm. Recommended upon plinths, foundation and cellar walls - due to nature and type of insulation material, the system can also be used on …
Homepage | Atlas Roof & Wall Insulation
Atlas now has eight top-of-the-line polyiso manufacturing facilities that produce millions of board feet each year. Our team comes equipped with the knowledge, experience and technical resources you need to make your project successful, and with eight plants across North America, you can get our product to your job site as quickly as possible.
JACKODUR® Atlas Bodenplattendämmung - JACKON Insulation
JACKODUR® Atlas aus extrudiertem Polystyrolschaum (XPS) wurde speziell für die gleichzeitige Schalung und Wärmedämmung von Bodenplatten entwickelt. Die Innovation liegt im neuartigen, wirtschaftlichen Stecksystem, das die Dämmung der Gründungsplatte ohne Wärmebrücken für alle Gebäudetypen und Grundrisse ermöglicht.
How To Compare Moisture Performance of EPS vs. XPS? - Atlas Molded Products
Expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS) uses a blowing agent, steam and molds to expand the polystyrene into the final product. Extruded polystyrene insulation (XPS) uses blowing agents, heat, and an extruding machine to create the insulation sheets. Both are closed-cell foam and have a similar cell structure and base materials.
While expanded polystyrene (EPS) and extruded polystyrene (XPS) are both polystyrene products, they are classified as different Types due to only manufacturing processes. The ASTM C578 Types for both EPS and XPS are displayed in Table 1 below. These Types are used to designate compressive strength, and are measured by pounds per square inch (psi).
NIST XPS数据库更新(Version 5.0) | 最新消息 | CoreTech …
NIST XPS数据库可以访问超22,000个光电子谱峰和俄歇电子谱峰的能量信息,其中部分内容参考并引用了ULVAC-PHI公司出版的 XPS Handbook [Powell C.J., J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185, 1 (2012)]。用户可以轻松地通过匹配和参考数据库中的测试结果来分析XPS数据。
EPS Wall Insulation | Atlas Molded Products
ThermalStar's versatile line of wall products offers high-performance continuous rigid insulation for all your wall sheathing needs. With more than 50 years of experience, all of our products are manufactured under an industry-leading quality control program monitored by UL and ICC-ES.
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