Pofix XPS - Insulation & performance - POFIX
High-Quality Extruded Polystyrene Foam Boards for Superior Thermal Insulation, pressure-resistant, water-repellent and Durability. Unmatched Load-Bearing Capability – Engineered for strength with ≥ 300 kPa compressive stress, ensuring robust structural support.
The extruded polystyrene foam boards POFIX XPS are made of rigid cellular plastic material extruded from polystyrene or one of its copolymers, which has a closed cell structure. Thermal insulation products. Extruded polystyrene foam boards as a load-bearing layer and/or thermal insulation outside the waterproofing.
Profiles produced by POFIX include standard drywall profiles, wall profiles, reinforced profiles, etc., which are essential for versatile drywall installations. MINERAL PRODUCTS BASIC MORTARS
ХПС - Топлоизолационни материали - Топлоизолация - АНГРО
Строителни материали на едро и дребно. Всичко за строителството и ремонта - топлоизолация, хидроидолация, мазилки, лепила, керемиди, тухли, плочки, покриви, бани...
2021年5月3日 · Toplotnoizolacijske plošče POFIX XPS skladiščimo v pokritih prostorih, ki so zaščitene pred neposrednim UV sevanjem in ločene od virov toplote, odprtega ognja in agresivnih kemikalij. Odlaganje odpadkov:
XPS (stirodur) POFIX XPS hrapavi s falcom - 15 cm - kedo.hr
XPS ploča s hrapavom površinom i falcom, debljine 15 cm, za razne građevinske projekte.
POFIX xps (stirodur) - BMD STIL
XPS (STIRODUR) 1250 x 600 x 160 mm XPS-30 hrapavi bez preklopa.
Thermal insulation boards XPS Pofix 30 mm, 1250 x 600 mm
XPS Pofix thermal insulation boards have the following characteristics: - Excellent insulating properties - Very low water absorption and moisture absorption - High mechanical resistance and compressive strength - Absolute dimensional stability - Homogeneous density of the whole mass - Resistance to acids and bases - Resilience to climate change
POFIX: Insulation & Decorative Mortars for Construction
POFIX produces an extensive, comprehensive insulation range with innovative products like XPS, POFIX EPS, and EPS Graphite, all designed for unmatched superior thermal efficiency and long-lasting durability
Топлоизолация XPS 10.0/125/60 см - (Pofix) - Фактор Трейд
Материал Плочите от екструдиран пенополистирол POFIX XPS са изработени от твърд клетъчен пластмасов материал, екструдиран от полистирен или един от неговите съполимери, който има затворена клетъчна структура.