Normalized XPS spectra of Si 2p line, spectrally ... - ResearchGate
The high-resolution Si 2p XPS spectrum consists of a single peak with a binding energy of 102.64 eV, which was deconvoluted into two components at 102.61 and 103.51 eV corresponding to Si−C and...
XPS Analysis of SiC Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Plasma Sputtering
2012年1月1日 · According to XPS analysis, the films almost consist of higher energy C-Si bonds under the higher power and lower chamber pressure. The bond structure hypothesis is well consistent with our previously achieved experimental observations concerning the evolution of surface roughness and microhardness with varying the sputtering power and chamber ...
XPS spectra of the Si 2p peaks for the as-deposited SiC-like, Si-C-O ...
Results reveal significant variations in composition and cluster morphology, influenced by the introduction of mesoporous silica tablets. The study demonstrates controlled deposition, consistent...
XPS spectra of the Si 2 p peaks for the SiCO samples
The XPS analyses focused on examining and documenting the electronic environment (chemical bonding) of the Si 2 p , C 1 s , and O 1 s core energy levels as a means to provide an independent ...
Highly functional LiXPON - ScienceDirect
2025年2月15日 · Silicon oxycarbide (SiCO) ceramics with nanodomain structures are new generation anode materials of all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) with excellent lithium-ion capacity and cycling stability.
Fabrication of powdered Si-O-C composite by electrodeposition ...
2019年9月15日 · The surface elemental characteristics of the pSi-O-C composite were analyzed by an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement in Fig. 1(b). To prevent oxidation of the p Si-O-C composite, the sample was transferred using a transfer vessel from an argon-filled glove box to a sample chamber.
XPS图谱分析之-Si2p 图谱分析(硅、硅化物、氧化硅、有机硅 …
XPS图谱分析之-Si2p 图谱分析(硅、硅化物、氧化硅、有机硅等)。 免费的分析、检测技术纯干货我们已经更新一个多月啦,感谢每一位粉丝的关注和积极反馈!
We have developed a technique to fabricate wedge polished samples (angle ~ 1x10-4 rad) that provides access to the SiO2/SiC interface via a surface sensitive probe such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Lateral scanning along …
Synthesis, structure, and properties of silicon oxycarbide aerogels ...
2015年5月1日 · The XPS survey scans reveal that the SiCO aerogels consist of f SiO 2, SiC, and free carbon. The network microstructure of the SiCO aerogels are retained until 1100 °C, FTIR and XRD results indicate that the chemical groups and amorphous structure are unchanged even up to 1200 °C in aerobic environment, and the weight-loss is only 1.65% at ...
Fic. 6. (a) si2p, (b) cls, and (c) ols spectra recorded by
Surface etching mechanism phenomena have been under- stood by ex situ XPS experiments. The experiments have been carried out on a Thermo Fisher Scientific Theta 300 spectrometer operating with a monochromatic Al Ka x-ray source (hv=1486.6eV).