Scaling in the Linux Networking Stack
This document describes a set of complementary techniques in the Linux networking stack to increase parallelism and improve performance for multi-processor systems. The following technologies are described: RSS: Receive Side Scaling. RPS: Receive Packet Steering. RFS: Receive Flow Steering. Accelerated Receive Flow Steering. XPS: Transmit ...
Linux网络栈的性能缩放 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
XPS: Transmit Packet Steering 本文档介绍了Linux网络堆栈中的一组辅助性技术,这些技术用于提高多处理器系统并行度和性能。 本文描述了以下技术:
LINUX XPS分析 - ouyangxibao - 博客园
2020年3月26日 · XPS的全称为 Transmit Packet Steering。 其根据当前处理软中断的cpu选择网卡发包队列,适合于多队列网卡,如果当前CPU负责多个发送队列,则根据hash值决定报文的发送队列,如果发送队列配置了mqprio等排队规程,则还会根据报文的priority决定其所在的类,根据类进一步得到发送队列,最后使用发送队列的qdisc进行报文发送。 XPS主要是为了避免cpu由RX队列的中断进入到TX队列的中断时发生切换,导致cpu cache-miss损失性能。 * This structure …
译|Monitoring and Tuning the Linux Networking Stack: Sending …
2023年7月11日 · 要使 XPS 工作,必须在内核配置中启用它(在 Ubuntu 的内核 3.13.0 上是启用的),并且需要一个位掩码来描述哪些 CPU 应该处理给定接口和传输队列的数据包。 这些位掩码类似于 RPS 位掩码,您可以在内核文档中找到关于这些位掩码的一些 文档。 简而言之,要修改的位掩码位于: 因此,对于 eth0 和传输队列 0,您需要修改文件: /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-0/xps_cpus,其中十六进制数指示哪些 CPU 应处理来自 eth0 的传输队列 0 的传输完成。 正 …
Configure and Troubleshoot StackPower and XPS 2200 on Catalyst ... - Cisco
2023年5月11日 · The XPS 2200 can provide backup power to connected devices that experience a power supply failure or, in a Catalyst switch power stack, it can supply additional power to the power stack budget. The XPS 2200 power ports and internal power supplies can operate in redundant power supply (RPS) mode or stack power (SP) mode.
PrintQueue.AddJob hangs when printing to non-xps based printers
I found that it is working fine with all XPS based printers. I even installed a XPS sample printer driver and added a virtual local printer to confirm this claim and as expected it worked. For non-xps based printers, it actually gets stuck in the AddJob function. It neither throws any exception, nor it moves to the next statement.
c# - Extract text from a XPS Document - Stack Overflow
2012年9月4日 · i need to extract the text of a specific page from a XPS document. The extracted text should be written in a string. I need this to read out the extracted text using Microsofts SpeechLib. Please examples only in C#. Thanks
Origin插件之:堆叠图小工具(Layer Stack Manager)
2020年2月23日 · 在使用Origin绘制堆叠图(Stack Plot)时你是否有过这样的经历,经历千辛万苦终于把整幅图的边框尺寸、标尺格式、标题格式设置好,这时却发现在中间少加了一副图,如果重新画图有着巨大的工作量(当然可以选择保存当前格式为Template),如果想添加一个图层 ...
XPS 13-9350 UEFI Network Stack - Dell
2022年1月28日 · I have a dell XPS 13 9350, with bios 1.13.1 (the current one). I've been using it to produce images for WDS. Except that all of a sudden the UEFI Network Stack has vanished from the F12 boot menu.
Displaying an XPS document in Document Viewer - Stack Overflow
2010年10月9日 · I'm having a go with document viewer and XPS atm as I haven't tried it before. So I have a simple piece of code loading an XPS document and displaying it in the document viewer, however the document doesn't appear. The document viewer loads and a quick step through in debug mode tells me the information is there,it just won't show.
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