Vitamin B12/carbon nanotubes composites for highly efficient CO
2023年10月20日 · Vitamin B12 (VB12) has been considered as a novel and highly effective catalyst for electrocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to produce CO in aqueous electrolyte, and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have excellent conductivity. Herein, VB12/CNTs composites are deposited onto carbon paper by electrophoretic deposition.
Structurally engineered vitamin B12 on graphene as a …
2022年2月1日 · In this study, we developed a bioinspired electrocatalyst by rationally combining Fe-incorporated VB12 as a base component and graphene as a conductive support to enable efficient HER, OER, and overall water splitting in alkaline media.
High‐resolution XPS spectra of (a) N 1s of the FePc(3)VB12…
High‐resolution XPS spectra of (a) N 1s of the FePc (3)VB12 (1)/NPC (900), (b) the contents of different nitrogen species relative to carbon atom for the FePc/NPC (900), FePc (3)VB12 (1)/NPC...
Biomimicking vitamin B12. A Co phthalocyanine pyridine axial …
2018年3月1日 · To test this hypothesis, we synthetized a CoPc axially coordinated to pyridine anchored to carbon nano-tubes (CoPc-Py-CNT). The Co centre is therefore coordinated to 5 N as in vitamin B 12. The modified CoPc containing catalytic material was characterized by EPR and XPS spectroscopy.
The electronic structure and chemical bonding of vitamin B12
2003年5月1日 · The electronic structure and chemical bonding of vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) and B 12-derivative (methylcobalamin) are studied by means of X-ray emission (XES) and photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopy.
XPS spectra for pyrolyzed CNF:BM:VB12 = 1:9:0 (blue) and …
Download scientific diagram | XPS spectra for pyrolyzed CNF:BM:VB12 = 1:9:0 (blue) and pyrolyzed CNF:BM:VB12 = 1:9:1 (red): a) wide‐scan XPS spectra and b–f) narrow‐scan XPS spectra for (b)...
The XPS spectra of vitamin B 12-assisted CuO ... - ResearchGate
This study is focused on the synthesis of heart/dumbbell-like CuO nanostructures using a low-temperature aqueous chemical growth method with vitamin B12 as a soft template and growth directing...
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Testing
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a powerful surface analysis tool that is widely used to study these energy storage materials due to its capability to identify, quantify, and image the chemical distribution of redox-active substances.
Biocompatible Co-organic Composite Thin Film Deposited by VHF …
Its organic form, found in vitamin B12, plays a key role in nerve cell function and neurotransmitter production. Therefore, it is important to keep the concentration of metal ions at appropriate levels to maintain human health. ... (XPS) results indicated that the Co-organic composite thin film deposited using a VHF of 100 MHz had an increased ...
Metallic iron doped vitamin B12/C as efficient nonprecious metal ...
2018年8月16日 · Herein, we report a simple but effective method to prepare a bimetallic nitrogen-doped carbon electrocatalyst based pyrolyzed Fe-doped VB12 supported carbon black (Fe-VB12/C) at 700 °C, which contains M-N x (M = Fe and Co) sites and carbon-encapsulated metallic Fe nanoparticles.